repairable (DLR) manager for receipts of DLR items.
Notify aviation stores (S-6) division for receipts of
AVDLR items.
After turnover of material, submit the signed copy
of the receipt document to stock control for further
Receipts for Stock
Material received for stock should be clearly
marked for the storeroom shown on the document and
on the material. Attach the stow copy of each document
to the material. If feasible, combine small items going
to the same storeroom in a box. Seal and clear] y mark
the box for the designated storeroom. Aboard ship, use
boxes that are small enough to fit on conveyors and
hatches and that weigh no more than 60 pounds.
For multiple receipts, mark each piece with the
document number. Also, mark each piece with the piece
number, such as 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3. Attach the
stow document on the No. 1 piece. Deliver stock items
to each storeroom daily or more frequently, if possible.
Process receipts of aviation depot-level repairable
(AVDLRS) according to the type commanders
The storeroom supervisor is responsible for
ensuring that stock control gets the completed stow copy
for further processing.
There are two categories of material discrepancies.
The first category includes discrepancies such as
overages, shortages, damages, incorrect, or not received
material. These discrepancies are normally caused by
the shipper or the transportation system. The second
category includes material quality discrepancies. In this
category, material cannot be used for its intended
purpose because it does not meet the form, fit, or
function requirements. These discrepancies are caused
by the manufacturer or repair activity. The following
paragraphs explain the reporting requirements for both
types of discrepancies.
Reporting Discrepancies
The receiving activity uses Standard Form 364,
Report of Discrepancy (ROD), for reporting
discrepancies caused by the shipper. You may use this
form for reporting shipping discrepancies caused by the
activity that shipped the material. These shipping
activities include contractors, manufacturers, or
vendors. SECNAVINST 4355.18 (series) provides
detailed instructions for preparing the ROD.
NAVSUPINST 4440.179 contains policies,
responsibilities, and procedures for reporting and
resolving these discrepancies.
The shipping-type discrepancies are material
shipments from DOD activities, GSA distribution
facilities, contractors, manufacturers, or vendors.
Prepare a ROD to report any material with one or more
of the discrepancies listed below.
. Shortages or overages valued at more than 0
per line item. Reported classified or protected items
regardless of dollar value. Refer to paragraph 6250.4f(4)
of NAVSUP P-485 for processing shortages or overages
valued at 0 or less.
. Receipt of erroneous material, unacceptable
substitutes, or duplicate shipments regardless of dollar
value. This does not include erroneous y issued material
that can be settled with local supply activity.
. Receipt of material valued at more than 0 per
line item for canceled (confirmed) requisitions. This
requires a copy of cancellation confirmation.
* The condition of the item, valued at more than
0 per line item, is other than that shown on the
shipping document.
. Receipt of material, valued at more than 0 per
line item, with an expired shelf life.
. Material shipped to the wrong activity, regardless
of value.
. Material, regardless of dollar value, received
with missing or incomplete technical data markings.
. Material, regardless of dollar value, with missing
or improperly prepared supply documentation.
. Material, valued at more than 0 per line item,
reported as shipped via parcel post but not received or
received in damaged condition.
l Material received for repair was stripped of parts
or components without inventory manager
authorization. The total value of the material is more
than 0.
l Repetitive discrepancies from the same activity,
regardless of dollar value.
The packaging discrepancies include those
described in the following paragraphs. Refer to chapter