Figure 6-1.ALRE maintenance organization (CV/CVN).
Maintenance control is the nerve center of V-2
divisions maintenance effort. It is the center of all
maintenance activity, directing and receiving
up-to-date information in order to properly assess
courses of action to be taken when any maintenance
action is performed.
In every situation the
maintenance officer, assisted by the maintenance
control chief, will be the controlling agent, acting as
the event manager in all maintenance actions. Only
the ALRE maintenance officer or the maintenance
control chief has the authority to certify that
maintenance actions have been completed and that
equipment can be returned to an operational status.
As supervisor
for the MC branch, the
maintenance officer, with the assistance of the
maintenance control chief, is specifically responsible
for the following:
Upkeep maintenance performed on a
day-to-day basis, including scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance, on-equipment repair, and
the removal/replacement of defective parts and
Incorporation of TDs, SCs, interim rapid
action changes (IRACS), rapid action changes
(RACS), service bulletins, and repair procedures
Documentation of all maintenance actions
Administration of the Maintenance Data
System (MDS)
Maintenance of an active QA program to
include the inspection of all critical areas of each
maintenance action performed, the availability of
qualified quality assurance inspectors (QAIs), work
center collateral duty inspectors (CDIs), and when
necessary collateral duty quality assurance
inspectors (CDQAIs), and the operation and
maintenance of an ALRE technical publications
library (TPL) to support all equipment and
maintenance in the division
Ensuring liaison and coordination with and
documentation of maintenance from shore
intermediate maintenance activities (SIMAs), VRTs,
naval shipyards (NSYs), and local maintenance
support activities