ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment: “JP-5 Afloat Below Deck Systems and Operations (continued),” and “JP-5Afloat Flight Deck Systems and Operations,” chapters 4 and 5, pages4-65 through 5-16.4-1.4-2.4-3.4-4.What type of gage is normallyinstalled on the suction side of apump?1.Simplex2.Compound3.Differential4.DuplexWhich type of tanks, locatedbetween voids, are an integral partof the ship’s underwater protectivesystem?1.Wing2.Deep centerline3.Double-bottom4.PeakWhy are twin wing tanks emptied andfilled as a unit?1.The rate of flow is increased2.To preserve the list and trimof the ship3.The rate of flow is decreased4.To lessen the chance ofcontaminationThe top of a double-bottom tank isalso the1.outer shell of the ship2.vertical bulkhead of thepumproom3.inner skin of the ship4.deck of the bilge4-5.4-6.4-7.4-8.The JP-5 storage tanks are used forbulk storage of JP-5. What is thedifference, if any, in JP-5 in aservice tank compared to JP-5 in astorage tank?1.It passed through a filter orcentrifugal purifier2.It was filled directly from therefueling station downcomer3.It contains clean JP-5 defueledfrom defueled aircraft4.NoneWhat device prevents air pressurefrom building up or a vacuum fromforming in a JP-5 tank when thetank is being emptied or filled?1.A service suction pipe2.A transfer suction pipe3.An air escape riser4.An overflow lineWhy should you be concerned aboutship’s side cleaners spray paintingnear tank air escape vents?1.The paint could get in the lineand contaminate the fuel2.The paint will mix with theJP-5 and lower its flash point3.The paint could clog the flamearrester and block the flow ofair4.The paint will dissolve thegrease applied during PMSWhat device is installed in theoverflow line to prevent overflowfrom the overflow tank going intoanother storage tank?1.Globe valve2.One-way check valve3.Gate valve4.Butterfly valve24
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