Officer (FMO). The inspection program includes the
Inspections of equipment and facilities before
Inspections before major operations
Seasonal or special inspections
Routine inspections and checklists
Inspections Before Use
New construction, out-of-service facilities, broken
equipment, and facilities or equipment undergoing cor-
rective or programmed maintenance must be inspected
before acceptance or reactivation. Special attention
should be given to rated capacities of hardware, pipeline
sizing, drainage, accessibility, emergency controls,
safety, and fire prevention features.
Inspections must be conducted before starting
major operations, such as receipt of products from a
ship or barge, transfers between large storage tanks,
or high-tempo training exercises. Inspections should
cover equipment performance, pipeline integrity,
valve positioning, tank arrangement. and personnel
Seasonal or Special Inspections
In climates where freezing weather is encoun-
tered, winterization inspections should be made in
early autumn. Extensive inspections for damage or
malfunctioning should be conducted following any
storm, flood, fire, earthquake, lightning strike, sus-
pected act of sabotage, or vandalism. Special inspec-
tions are called for when abnormal variations in
performance, flow rates, pressures, or capacities are
experienced by operators.
Daily Checks
A daily check (once in every 24-hour period) must
be conducted on all aircraft fuel delivery equipment that
is in continuous use. Equipment that fails to meet estab-
lished requirements must be removed from service until
corrective action is completed.
The inspection varies on different equipment, and
locally developed checklists that are specific to indi-
vidual installations or systems may be developed. A
typical daily checklist includes the following:
1. Check that fire extinguishers are in place,
filled, operable, and have a current inspection tag.
2. Inspect the nozzle for damage.
3. Hook up the nozzle to the bottom-loading
adapter or recirculation fitting and again inspect the
nozzle for damage or evidence of leaks.
4. Check the entire length of the hose for cuts,
cracks, abrasions, and fuel saturation.
5. Check that bonding cables are in place and in
good condition, clean, and have serviceable plugs and
clips securely attached.
6. Carefully inspect tanks, piping, valves, pumps,
meters, and couplings for leaks.
7. Check the emergency valve controls for condi-
tion and ease of operation.
8. Make sure exterior surfaces are wiped clean of
oil, grease, and fuel. Make sure the cabinets, troughs,
cab, and any enclosures are free of an accumulation of
fuel, dirt, cleaning material, and unnecessary items.
Check fenders and mudguards to ensure adequate pro-
tection against the throwing of mud and dirt on fueling
equipment and the rear of the unit.
9. Check the fluid levels of the battery, radiator,
gas, and engine oil.
10. Make sure all lights are operable, all electrical
wiring outside the cab is enclosed in tubing, and the rear
view mirrors are serviceable.
11. Drain all low-point drains (tank, filter/separa-
tor, monitor, relaxation chamber). If water is found,
empty the sample into a safety can and repeat the
process until a clean, water-free sample is obtained.
12. Carefully inspect the exhaust pipe and muffler
system, including any auxiliary engine system, for
leaks, cracks, noise, and proper placement.
13. Check the emergency brake to make sure it
14. Drain air tanks of moisture and check for fuel
15. Engage the pump and pressurize the system.
Check the entire system for leaks.
16. Place the nozzles flow-control handle in the
fully opened and locked position and recirculate. On
refueling trucks. recirculation is to be performed at
standard RPM settings, where flow rates and differen-
tial pressures can be accurately measured. The recircu-
lation of trucks more than one-half full is limited to 10
minutes, each 10-minute period followed by a 1-minute
rest to allow electrostatic charges to dissipate. For
trucks less than one-half fill, the recirculation time
is limited to 3 minutes. All equipment must be