The IMRL is a consolidated allowance list
specifying authorized quantities of aviation support
equipment (SE) required by a particular activity to
perform its assigned maintenance level functions.
An IMRL is constructed for all Navy and Marine
Corps aviation maintenance activities by extracting
applicable portions of Support Equipment Resources
Management Information System (SERMIS) data. The
on-hand quantity listed in the IMRL is based on
physical inventories and reported by IMRL transaction
reports. An IMRL transaction report is submitted each
time the status of any IMRL item changes, such as
receipt, transfer, or survey. In addition to these
transaction reports, an annual inventory must be
conducted for all IMRL items and the results reported
according to procedures outlined in NAVAIR
Instruction 13650.1. An annual inventory is conducted
to ensure a sufficient quantity of IMRL items are on
hand and to verify the condition of each item.
Additional information for IMRL inventory and
reporting is contained in OPNAVINST 4790.2.
Generally, items in the supply system that have an
expected shelf-life greater than 60 months are not
included in the shelf-life program. However some
medical supplies, personnel parachutes, and special
items included in the shelf-life program are assigned
shelf-life code X. Certain rubber products with an
expected shelf-life greater than 60 months are not
included in the shelf-life program. These items have
shelf-life code of O or O (zero). Although these rubber
items are excluded from the program, they should not
be issued, returned for credit, or used if the use-by-date
has passed. The use-by-date is typically expressed by
month and year with the day of the month being the last
day. AU shelf-life items are assigned shelf-life codes
and shelf-life action codes.
Shelf-Life Codes
A shelf-life code is a single alphabetic or numeric
code that denotes the shelf-life span of material from
the date of manufacture to the date when it should be
disposed of or tested according to the inventory
managers instructions to extend the shelf life. Type I
(alphabetic) codes apply to items for which shelf life
cannot be extended. Type II (numeric) codes apply to
items for which shelf life can be extended. See table
5-5 for a list of shelf-life codes. Shelf-life codes can
also be found in the appendices of NAVSUP P-485 and
Shelf-Life Action Codes
The Shelf-life action codes are composed of two
characters. The codes may be a combination of two
letters, two numbers, or letter and number. The
following are examples of shelf-life actions codes
Table 5-5.-Shelf-Life Codes