Recommendations for unresolved discrepancies
that indicate no personal responsibility
Investigations and documentation of facts
concerning unresolved discrepancies that
indicate evidence of personal responsibility
Approval of the report
In some cases, the discrepancy may require
submission of other reports. For example, losses of
controlled substances require a report to Drug
Enforcement Administration according to
NAVSUPINST 4440.146.
Preparation of DD Form 200
The DD Form 200 is used to document the report
of survey and certify the survey process when
government property is lost, damaged, or destroyed.
This form is the official document to support
establishment of debts, relief from accountability, and
adjustment to accountable records for supply system
stock and property book material. The preparation of
the DD Form 200 may vary slightly, depending on the
nature of the asset (property book material or supply
system stock). Refer to NAVSUP P-485 for specific
instructions in preparing the DD Form 200.
Distribution of the Completed DD Form 200
Upon completion of the survey, distribute the DD
Form 200 accordingly. The originating activity retains
the original copy unless required by higher authority. A
duplicate copy is returned to the appropriate property
officer to replace the quadruplicate copy, which may
then be destroyed.
Forward a third copy to the
disbursing officer if pecuniary liability is assessed. If
pecuniary liability is not assessed, the triplicate copy is
destroyed. Forward copies of DD Form 200 for surveys
exceeding 0,000 to the type commander with the
monthly financial returns.
Retention Of Records
The approved DD Form 200, preliminary and
causative research findings and recommendations, and
all other documentation related to the surveyed material
should be retained for a period of 2 years.
Requirements and Limitations Regarding
Withholding the Pay of Personnel
There is no statutory authority for withholding the
pay of nonaccountable persons for the loss of or damage
to government property. It is the policy of the
Department of the Navy that, in the absence of statutory
authority, an individuals pay may not be withheld for
loss of or damage to government property unless the
individual voluntarily consents to the withholding.
However, under the provisions of Title 31, United States
Code 89-92, the Commander, Naval Supply Systems
Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM) is authorized to
make determinations relating to the responsibility of
accountable officers for the loss of property entrusted
to them that occurred through the negligence of the
accountable officer.
Determinations of
COMNAVSUPSYSCOM are made on the basis of
technical and legal review of evidence contained in
investigations conducted according to the provisions of
the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Manual, chapter 2.
The indebtedness of an accountable officer is
established when the commander or director certifies to
the General Accounting Office. This is considered
sufficient to permit withholding of current pay, as well
as final pay, as prescribed in the Department of Defense
Pay and Entitlements Manual. For nonaccountable
persons, indebtedness may be established according to
the provisions of the JAG Manual, section 0167, and
NAVCOMPT Manual, Volume 4.
Reimbursement to the Government
Collecting or checking a pay record for loss or
damage to government property by naval personnel is
not authorized unless the member concerned
voluntarily consents, in writing, to such action (refer to
NAVCOMPT Manual, paragraph 043114-2). When the
person voluntarily agrees, the following procedures
SONNEL. The commanding officer or officer in
charge should advise enlisted personnel who
voluntarily agree to reimburse the government of their:
l right to legal counsel,
l right to rebut the findings,
l right to make remittance direct to the disbursing
officer, and
l right to appeal the finding of the report of survey.