Material receipt. Receipts for material received
on a DD Form 250 must be processed as soon as
possible to fulfill the discount terms indicated in
block 5. This type of material is normally
expensive and expedited processing can result in
a reduced cost to the government (fig. 3-9).
Government Bill of Lading
(GBL), Standard Form 1103
commercial carrier or to provide receipt documen-
tation to the ordering activity. Shore activities
sometimes divert commercial deliveries directly to
ships in the area to eliminate the need for double
handling of material. In such cases, it is the ships
responsibility to notify the ashore support activity
of any material received short or damaged.
Deliveries by commercial carriers are not always
scheduled. Receiving personnel must be able to
react quickly to unexpected deliveries to avoid
A Government Bill of Lading (GBL), Stan-
additional charges against the government by the
dard Form 1103 or Standard Form 1103B, may
commercial carrier. A sample GBL is shown in
be used to provide delivery instructions to a
figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10.Government Bill of Lading, Standard Form 1103.