The STD Form 44 shown in figure 4-2 is a
pocket-sized purchase order form designed for on-
the-spot, over-the-counter purchases of supplies
and services while away from the purchasing
office or at isolated activities. It is a multipurpose
form that can be used as a purchase order,
receiving report, invoice, and public voucher.
Since the STD Form 44 does not contain any
of the general clauses or provisions normally
found on purchase orders, it is used only when
the purchase method will not work.
Conditions for Use
The STD Form 44 may be used if all the
following conditions exist:
. The amount of purchase does not exceed
,500 (Exception: the amount of aviation fuel
and oil purchased by pilots does not exceed
. Supplies and services are immediately
available from contractor stocks in the local trade
area or are readily obtainable from establishments
in the local trade area regularly performing
services of the type required.
l One delivery and one payment are made.
Supplies or services purchased do not require
technical inspection.
. The use of the STD Form 44 is determin-
ed to be more economical and efficient than the
use of any other small purchase method.
l The applicable decision of exception and
necessary documentation have been made before
procurement of a foreign item.
Preparation and Execution
An authorized individual prepares the STD
Form 44 in quadruplicate. Although the title of
the form includes the term Purchase Order, a STD
Form 44 is not executed before delivery or
performance by the contractor. For detailed
instructions in the preparation of the STD
Form 44, refer to NAVSUP P-560, chapter 13.
Figure 4-2.-Purchase Order-Invoice-Voucher, Standard
Form 44.