assistance modules (MAMs) and ready service
spares (RSSs) are located in the appropriate
operating and maintenance spaces under the sub-
custody of the operating or maintenance
The supply officer is responsible for the
storage, security, and inventory control of all
stock material in his or her custody.
Although stock levels should be stored in
supply department storerooms or spaces, it may
be necessary to store bulk consumables such as
lumber, metal, and pipe or certain repair parts
in spaces under the control of other department
heads. If it is necessary to store material in other
department spaces, the supply officer will obtain
the commanding officers written authorization
for such storage.
No personal gear (regardless of whose it is)
may be stored in supply department storerooms
without written approval of the commanding
Personnel assigned the responsibility for
physical custody of stock material must report any
damage, deterioration, or shortage to the supply
officer immediately. The custodian will not be
held responsible for material lost, damaged, or
destroyed as a result of fire or flooding, providing
the emergency did not arise from that persons
negligence and provided that all reasonable steps
to prevent the loss or damage were taken.
Material in store must be kept under lock and
key in all cases except when the material is of such
quantity or dimensions as to make storeroom
storage impractical. Storeroom spaces must be
locked securely when not in use.
When the spaces are open for use, an
authorized person must always be present. Other
persons will be admitted only when necessary for
the storage or breakout of material or in situa-
tions discussed in the following paragraphs.
Inspection of Spaces
Personnel may be allowed access to storage
spaces for purposes of inspection and as directed
by the commanding officer. However, such per-
sonnel may not be given keys for the spaces, but
will be escorted by responsible persons as directed
by the supply officer.
Access for Damage Control
Access to storage spaces may be authorized
to damage control personnel in the performance
of their duties. Storage spaces must be secured
in such a manner that access by use of ordinary
damage control equipment is not obstructed in an
Permission for Entry
Permission for entry to supply storage spaces
of personnel not ordinarily authorized access will
be granted only by the supply officer or, in his
or her absence, the commanding officer, executive
officer, or command duty officer, as appropriate.
Material survey is a procedure for determin-
ing the cause of gains, losses, or damage to Navy
property, establishing personal responsibility (if
any), and documenting necessary inventory ad-
justments to stock records. The procedures
discussed in this section are used when possible
survey action is indicated.
When an inventory adjustment and
preliminary research cannot resolve the discrepancy,
the accountable and responsible individuals
initiate a detailed review of the circumstances
surrounding the possible adjustments (known as
causative research). A Report of Survey, DD
Form 200, is prepared and forwarded to the
appropriate survey officials.
When the report of survey is for stock
material, the inventory adjustments are entered
into SUADPS-RT via the survey adjustment
function only after approval of the survey.
When a loss or gain of material in the follow-
ing categories is confirmed, a Report of Survey,
DD Form 200, is prepared.