on the forward lower half of the survival kit. The
emergency oxygen system, located in the lid of
the survival kit, consists of an emergency oxygen
cylinder, reducer assembly, actuation assembly,
and manifold assembly. A lanyard and quick-
disconnect fitting provide automatic actuation of
the emergency oxygen system during ejection. If
the aircraft oxygen system fails, emergency
oxygen is available by actuating the emergency
oxygen manual release. The release is a green ring
located on the forward left side of the survival
kit. A mounting is provided for the radio locator
beacon and lanyard. The lanyard actuates the
beacon upon ejection.
LEG RESTRAINTS. Two leg restraint line
snubbing units and lines are mounted to the for-
ward structure of the seat bucket. The leg restraint
lines are secured in locks located on the inboard
sides of the seat bucket.
The leg restraints secure the pilots legs to the
seat during ejection. They consist of two
adjustable leg garters, a restraint line, and a
snubber unit for each leg. One garter is worn on
the thigh and one on the lower leg. The restraint
lines are routed through the garter rings and the
snubber unit. One end of each restraint line is
secured to the cockpit floor and the other is
secured to the seat by a releasable pin. During
ejection, the slack in each line is taken up and the
leg lines separate at the tension rings. When the
pilot and seat separate, the pins are normally
released by the time-release mechanism. They may
also be released by pulling the manual override
handle. Both the lower garter and thigh garter
contain a quick-release buckle. The leg restraint
line runs through a ring that is disconnected by
the buckle. This permits the pilot to exit the air-
craft while wearing both the upper and lower
The lower restraint mechanism locks are
located in the lower aft portion of the seat bucket.
These locks are connected by a cross shaft and
linkage to the leg restraint line locks and the
negative-g strap lock.
The operation of SJU-5/A system components
and subsystems is discussed in the following
A firing pin in the catapult firing mechanism
is actuated by ballistic gas from the 0.3-second
delay initiator. The firing pin then strikes the
catapult primary cartridge. The ballistic gas from
the primary cartridge starts the inner and
intermediate barrels to extend upward. The
upward movement of the inner barrel releases the
spring-loaded top latch plunger from the retaining
groove on the inner barrel.
As the inner barrel continues to extend up-
ward, the ports of the inner and intermediate
barrels expose the secondary cartridges. The
secondary cartridges are ignited by the pressure
and heat of the primary cartridge. The secondary
cartridges assist in propelling both barrels and seat
upward. After approximately 37 inches of travel,
the piston head on the intermediate barrel
contacts the pressure rings. These rings absorb the
inertia force. The inner barrel continues to extend
until it contacts the inner guide bushing. The
inner barrel shears the rivet connecting the inner
guide bushing to the intermediate barrel. This
shearing separates the inner and intermediate
barrels. The intermediate and outer barrels remain
with the aircraft. The inner barrel remains with
the ejection seat.
Manifold Check Valve
Gas from the delay initiators enters the
manifold check valve and causes two internal
check valves to be depressed. Then gas pressure
passes to the catapult primary firing mechanism
and severs the shear pin holding the firing pin.
Main Beam Assembly
The main beam assembly supports the major
components of the ejection seat. The operation
of the components supported by the main beam
assembly is discussed in the following paragraphs.
ejection seat is installed on the catapult, the top
latch handwheel is removed. The top latch
mechanism plunger passes through a hole in the
outer barrel of the catapult and engages the
locking groove. A locked indication is given by
the position of the plunger and the indicator
within the top latch mechanism housing. When
the locking indicator spring-loaded plunger and
mechanism housing are flush with each other, the
top latch mechanism is locked. To remove the
seat, you must install the top latch handwheel on
the top latch plunger. This releases the seat from
the catapult gun.
DROGUE GUN. As the ejection seat rises,
the trip rod withdraws the firing link from the