shoulder; it should be 5.06±0.03 inches. If not,
remove the roll pin and adjust the clevis as
required. With the piston in the fired position,
verify the clearance between the bottom of the
actuator housing and stop washer on top of the
clevis is 0.09±0.06 inches. To release the piston
from its fired position, with two 1/8-inch rods
inserted into the locking dog holes, pry down on
the two rods to spread the locking dogs and pull
the piston out of the fired detent position.
Move the piston to the full down position by
pulling out on the manual detent pin, and
continue pulling downward on the piston. Ensure
that there is a clearence of 0.19 ± 0.06 inch
between the firing controls disconnect actuating
arm and the shelf top with the harness release
disconnect actuating arm in the disconnect
With a push-pull spring scale, pull slowly
upward on the harness release handle until the
manual detent pin engages the harness release
acutator piston. The force required to lock the
piston should not exceed 40 pounds. Remove the
spring scale and continue pulling upward on the
harness release handle, ensuring that the handle
has a minimum of 0.125 inch of over travel from
the manual detent position.
To check the firing control disconnect pin
travel (fig. 6-15, callout B), insert a 1/8-inch
diameter rod in the hole at the top of the firing
control disconnect assembly. Mark an index line
on the rod at the exact top of the hole in the
firing control disconnect assembly. Pull upon the
harness release handle (in overtravel position) and
ensure that the rod does not exceed 3/16 inch
of downward travel from its original up position.
If travel exceeds 3/16 inch, adjust the lock pin
to this tolerance. This test simulates firing
control disconnect pin travel, and excessive travel
could prevent seat ejection as a result of overtravel
movement of the harness release handle. This
causes unseating of the firing control disconnect
fitting and release of the ejection control cables.
Reset the harness release handle into the holder
and pull the manual detent pin to reset the harness
actuator. Verify that the lap belt and shoulder
harness retaining pins protrude through the seat
structure a minimum of 0.06 inch, not including
the tapered end of the pin.
The emergency survival equipment (fig. 6-18)
accompanies the crewman during ejection or
ditching. It can sustain life, aid rescue during
emergency conditions, and provide support and
comfort to the crewmen during normal operation.
The survival equipment consists of all equipment
used after seat/man separation from the ejection
Parachute NES-12E
The parachute is designed for use in rocket
catapult ejection seats. The parachute is a
backpack-type assembly that normally opens
automatically, but it can be deployed manually
by pulling the conventional rip cord D-ring. The
parachute is connected to the RSSK-8A-1 survival
kit by two nylon harness straps running from the
bottom of the parachute to the back portion of
the survival kit.
Survival Kit RSSK-8A-1
The survival kit is connected to the ejection
seat by lugs on the back of the survival kit, which
engage detents in the survival kit lug retaining
pins. The retaining pins are integral parts of the
harness-release bell crank assembly.
The survival kit is a two-piece fiber glass
container with top and bottom sections. A foam
pad cushion is positioned on top of the kit to
provide comfort for the crew member. A manual
kit-release handle on the right side of the kit
provides for separation of the two survival kit
halves and release of the survival gear. The top
half contains the emergency oxygen bottle, which
is automatically actuated by a cable attached to
the aircraft structure as the ejection seat moves
up the guide rails during the ejection sequence.
The oxygen bottle is normally used for high-
altitude ejections, but it can be manually actuated,
if the normal oxygen supply fails, by pulling the
emergency oxygen lanyard located on the inboard
side of the front thigh support of the survival kit.
The bottom half of the kit contains a life raft,
a radio transmitter (if installed), and a survival
kit bag. The life raft is folded and stowed in the
front section of the kit. A self-contained
pneumatic bottle automatically inflates the raft
upon separation from the kit. A battery-operated
radio transmitter is automatically switched on
during the ejection sequence by an aircraft-
attached lanyard. The survival kit bag is a
zippered bag stowed next to the life raft. The bag
contains dye markers, seawater desalter, sponge,
two escape and evasion kits, rations, sunburn
ointment, signal distress flares, signal mirror,