Figure 7-7.Technical Directives (OPNAV 4790/24A).
Record interim TDs on the same sheet as formal
TDs, and identify by an "I" preceding the TD number.
OPNAV 4790/25A
Operating activities record significant information
on OPNAV 4790/25A (fig. 7-8) that affects the aircraft
for which no other space is provided in the logbook.
Such information includes abnormal flight
characteristics, peculiar undetermined troubles,
damage to aircraft, major component changes not
logged elsewhere in the logbook (struts, control
surfaces, and tail sections), historical data,
preservation/depreservation data, aircraft compass
calibration readings, and authorization for service
period extensions.
When aircraft are exposed to large quantities of
salt water, fire-extinguishing agents, or other
corrosive medium, you should make an entry on this
form. Include a description of the decontamination
accomplished and approximate time between
exposure and completion of decontamination. When
adding dye directly to the aircraft fuel tanks to
determine the location of a leak, note it on this form.
These entries are a permanent part of the logbook. This
section may also be used to record serial number
information concerning research and development and
bailment aircraft; for example, special modifications
and special testing. The date of occurrence is placed
in the date column. Also, log hydraulic contamination
in this section whenever the contamination level
exceeds Navy Standard Class Five contamination.
This form is also used in the AESR to record
pertinent information that affects equipment for which
no other space is provided. Information which may
need to be documented includes special test data,
significant damage/repair, Joint Oil Analysis Program
(JOAP) results, exposure to fire-extinguishing agents
or salt water, etc.
This form (fig. 7-9) is used in the aircraft logbook,
AESR, or module service record (MSR). An entry is
required any time preservation, represervation, or