Figure 2-2.--Gas turbine assembly (exploded view).
structure for the gas turbine assembly and
inlet and exhaust components, and a lube oil
connections for electrical, fire-extinguishing, air,
storage and conditioning assembly (LOSCA).
and liquid services.
The primary function of the GTE is to
The base/enclosure assembly has an enclosure
generate power and to transmit it through a high-
(about 26 feet long, 8 feet high, and 9 feet wide),
speed flexible coupling shaft to the ship's
a shock-mounted base, a GTE mounting system,
an intake and exhaust system, a fire detection and
extinguishing system, an enclosure heater, a
NOTE: Figure 2-2 provides an exploded view
lighting system, and a GTE water wash system.
of the LM2500 GTE. Refer to it during your study
The base/enclosure assembly is maintained in the
of the construction of this engine. The sections
installed position as a permanent part of the ship.
that follow describe the various components of
This is opposed to the GTE assembly, which can
the GTE.
be removed for major repair, overhaul, or replace-
ment. Module doors provide access for routine
maintenance. The number and location of the
module doors varies on the different class ships.
Removable side panels are installed on all
The base/enclosure assembly (fig. 2-3)
provides a thermally and acoustically insulated