Vessel Aground
The light display for a vessel aground (fig. 9-27)
is RED-RED displayed vertically and the normal
anchor lights for a vessel of her length. The dayshape
display is three black balls displayed vertically. Rule
30 applies here.
Pushing Ahead or Alongside
The International and Inland Rules differ when it
comes to pushing (fig. 9-28). The international display
is two masthead towing lights, sidelights, and a
sternlight. The inland display is two masthead lights,
sidelights, and a yellow-over-yellow sternlight. Rule
24 applies here.
When the pushing vessel and the vessel
being pushed are connected into a composite
unit, they are regarded as a power-driven
vessel and must exhibit the lights for that
class of vessel.
A vessel constrained by draft (fig. 9-29) is
required to display the following lights: normal light
for a power-driven vessel and three red lights
displayed vertically. The required dayshape is a
cylinder. Draft display is for International use only.
Rule 28 applies here.
As you can see, there are numerous lights and
dayshapes to be displayed. For more detailed
information, see Navigation Rules, International
Inland, COMDTINST M16672.2B.
When you are using lights and dayshapes,
remember that they should always be dis-
played where best seen.
Restricted visibility is defined as anything that
reduces visibility below the range that a vessel would
normally be visible. It can be caused by rain, fog, smoke,
hail, snow, or any other condition that reduces visibility.
Rules to remember during restricted visibility are
the following:
The vessel must proceed at SAFE speed. Safe
speed is determined by factors such as state of visibility;
the maneuverability of the vessel; the state of the wind,
sea, and current; the proximity of navigation hazards;
draft in relation to the available depth of water; the
traffic density, including the concentration of fishing
vessels; and the characteristics and capabilities of radar,
if installed.
Power-driven vessels must have their engines
ready for immediate maneuver.
Figure 9-27.Vessel aground.