is returned to the appropriate Designated Rework Point
cleaning, wipe the part dry or allow it to air-dry before
(DRP) for verification. Activities that accept new items
applying power.
of support equipment must originate all records/forms.
As you clean the equipment, inspect it for loose
The activity receiving the item of support equipment
leads, improper connections, and damaged or broken
may elect to increase the depth of inspection if the
components. These inspection precautions are
support equipment condition indicates such action is
particularly applicable to new equipment, equipment
returned from overhaul, equipment that has been
preserved or stored for long periods of time, and
Transfer Inspections.--These inspections are
equipment that has been exposed to the weather for
basically the same as acceptance inspections. They are
long periods of time. A good, thorough, visual
accomplished by the reporting custodian when an item
inspection will often reveal problems that can be
of support equipment is transferred on a permanent
corrected with a minimum amount of labor and parts.
basis. They include an inventory of all components that
Such problems, if left uncorrected, might result in
make up the item of support equipment, verification of
major repair costs.
the configuration, a preoperational inspection as
required by the applicable MRCs, and a functional test.
INSPECTIONS.--Maintenance inspections for
The above inventory will include OPNAV 4790/51,
support equipment are established by the Naval Air
AESR, LIRs, and other OPNAV forms, as applicable to
Systems Command. These inspections specify the
the item of support equipment being transferred. The
minimum requirements necessary to maintain the
transferring activity is responsible for updating the
subject equipment. However, more detailed and
applicable forms, and will take the necessary
frequent inspections could be established, depending
precautions to ensure that these updated forms are
on local conditions.
forwarded to the activity accepting the support
Types of inspections performed for the
equipment. The activity transferring the support
maintenance of support equipment are discussed in the
equipment may elect to increase the depth of inspection
following text.
if the support equipment condition indicates such
action is warranted.
Acceptance Inspections.--These inspections are
performed at the time a reporting custodian accepts a
Preoperational Inspections.--Preoperational in-
newly assigned item of support equipment (SE). They
spections are accomplished prior to the first use of the
include an inventory of all records and components that
subject equipment for that day or prior to each use if
make up the item of support equipment, a configuration
specified by the MRC. This inspection is a combination
verification, a preoperational inspection as required by
of requirements for verification of satisfactory
the applicable MRCs, and a functional test. The
functioning and proper servicing prior to use. When
inventory will include current OPNAV 4790/51 History
completed, the preoperational inspections are signed
Card, Aeronautical Equipment Service Record
off on the Support Equipment Preoperational Record to
(AESR), Maintenance Facility (MF), and Logbook and
indicate that all requirements have been complied with.
Inventory Record (LIR), or records applicable to the
The record is located in the custodian's work center.
item of support equipment being received. The
If the equipment is used more than once during the
receiving activity is responsible for maintaining and
day, a brief inspection should be performed prior to
updating these forms while it has custody of the
each use. This inspection need not be as detailed as the
equipment. If these forms or records are not received
preoperational inspection unless required by the MRC.
with an item of support equipment, the new reporting
The Support Equipment Preoperational Record should
custodian should notify the previous reporting
be checked to ensure that the preoperational inspection
custodian and inform the Support Equipment
has been completed.
Controlling Activity (SECA) and Naval Aviation
Maintenance Office (NAMO). If forms or records
Postoperational Inspections.--Before securing
cannot be obtained by this method, the new reporting
(stopping) equipment, check for proper operation.
custodian performs all PM inspections specified in the
After securing the equipment, make a visual inspection
applicable MRCs and makes new records/forms, as
for condition, fuel level, oil level, water level, and so
applicable, for the item of support equipment received.
on; service if needed so that the equipment will be
If configuration verification is beyond I-level capability
ready for the next use. Replace panels, covers, and so
or if configuration cannot be determined, the item of SE
forth, to protect the equipment from the weather.