those records and not with airframe components in the aircraft log book.
At time of rework, the rework activity removes all old forms and inserts new forms. All pertinent data for items that have been installed by the aircraft custodian during the previous tour, and that are not scheduled for removal during rework or overhaul, are transcribed to the new form to maintain proper maintenance continuity.
NOTE: SRC, EHR, ASR, and MSR items are inventoried at each calendar inspection or during phase inspections for the applicable equipment being inspected. A locally prepared form containing a preprinted list of items requiring an MSR/ASR/EHR/SRC card, with a column provided for recording the serial numbers of the installed items, should be used. This list should match the installed items recorded in the aircraft logbook.
This section of the aircraft logbook contains a file of all aircraft-installed ALSS history records, excluding aircraft equipped with ejection seats. When an aircraft has ejection seat(s), the records will be inserted into the appropriate ejection seat aeronautical equipment service record (AESR). ALSS history records include the forms and records discussed in the following paragraphs.
Parachute Record (OPNAV 4790/101)
The Parachute Record (fig. 6-11) is designed to provide the current configuration and inspection record of a parachute assembly and its components throughout the service life of the equipment. The form is a two-part, no-carbon- required form. The hardback copy is designed to be filed in the logbook of the aircraft in which the parachute is installed. The original (flimsy) copy of the record will be maintained in a
Figure 6-11.-Parachute Record.
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