in the appropriate blocks) that an entry is required by the TD. The person making the logs and records entries signs his/her name in the space provided.
BLOCKS FOR WORK CENTER ENTRIES. The following blocks are filled out by the work center when the TD is received from maintenance control. Refer to figure 4-40 as you read this section.
BLOCK A35-Action taken (status). Enter the appropriate status code that describes the action taken by the reporting work center. Only the primary work center enters a C or Q status code on the TD compliance VIDS/MAF when their portion of the TD is completed. All assisting work centers enter a status code of A on their TD compliance VIDS/MAF when they complete a TD to show an assist.
BLOCK A39-Items processed. Enter the total number of items processed in this block. The number of items cannot exceed 99. When the number of items processed is being recorded, status codes A or W in block A35 require an entry of 0 in Block A39. An entry of status code C, D, P, or Q in block A35 requires a minimum of 1 in block A39.
Items processed in excess of 1 maybe entered only when block A48 (type equipment) contains a code beginning with Y or D and is either a nonserialized item or does not include a part number change in blocks E or G. Serialized items for which a part number change is reflected in blocks E or G must be accomplished on an individual TD compliance VIDS/MAF.
BLOCK A41-Man-hours. Enter (in hours and tenths of hours) the total man-hours spent by the work center incorporating the TD.
BLOCK A45-Elapsed maintenance time. Enter the total elapsed clock time (in hours and tenths of hours) that was spent incorporating the TD.
BLOCK E-Removed/old item; block G- Installed/new item. Entries are required in these blocks when a Y- or D-series type equipment code is entered in block A48. When all other type equipment codes (except A) are used, there cannot be entries in these blocks, unless to indicate the accomplishment of a part number change. At times, a TD is applicable to an end item (aircraft) and a component is to be sent to the IMA for modification or inspection; other times a TD might be applicable to a particular accessory for compliance within the squadron. In either case, transaction code 47 should be used with the required entries in blocks E and G identifying the particular component involved.
BLOCKS E08 THROUGH E52-Removed/ old item. Enter manufacturer's code, component serial number, part number (if more than 15 characters, enter the last 15), Julian date item was removed, and time/cycles. Enter the time since overhaul if available, otherwise use time since new. If time is unknown, enter 0000 prefixed with an alpha character.
BLOCKS G08 THROUGH G48-Installed/ new item. If compliance with the TD results in a part number change, enter the manufacturer's code, component serial number, new part number of modified component (if more than 15 characters, enter the last 15), and time/cycles. Enter the time since overhaul, if available; otherwise use the time since new. If the time is unknown, enter 0000 prefixed with an alpha character. If compliance with the TD does not result in a part number change, enter the same information as shown in blocks E08 through E42.
BLOCK B08-Received. Enter the Julian date that the TD compliance VIDS/MAF was received in the work center.
BLOCK B12-Time. Enter the time the TD compliance VIDS/MAF was received in the work center (organizational level only).
BLOCK B16-EOC. Enter the EOC code, if applicable.
BLOCK B 19-In work. Enter the Julian date on which the TD compliance VIDS/MAF maintenance action was started.
BLOCK B23-Time. Enter the time that the TD compliance VIDS/MAF maintenance action was started (organizational level only).
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