Missing changes annotated on the front cover of affected publications
Upon receipt of replacement publications, the return of damaged publications to the central library
Quantity of publications
The proper storage and accounting of classified publications
The above items are a minimum of things to look for during a dispersed library audit. The review of additional items is encouraged.
Q1. What division is responsible for the management of the technical publications library (TPL)?
Q2. What are the two different types of libraries established within a command?
Q3. What publication should you refer to for detailed information on technical library establishment and operating procedures?
Q4. Can one or more publications be placed in the same binder?
Q5. What form must be filled out for each publication maintained in the technical library excluding bulletins and changes?
Q6. List the minimum information that a technical library stamp must include.
Q7. When a publication is cancelled, revised, or no longer required, the NWPL card is maintained in what type of file?
Q8. Name the two different types of Change Entry Certification Record (CECR) tickler files.
Q9. What does the material maintained in the transaction file reflect?
Q10. What page in NAVAIR manuals lists the pages altered in the latest and previous changes?
Q11. Classified pages in publications are disposed of as specified in what instruction?
Q12. Are pen-and-ink changes an appropriate method for making changes to NAVAIR technical manuals and directives?
Q13. How many working days are allowed for the incorporation of IRACs?
Q14. What manual provides a listing of assigned alphanumeric codes for identification of installed systems of equipment?
Q15. Component removal/replacement intervals are found in what manual?
Q16. Do MRCs include instructions for repair, adjustment/calibration, or means of correcting defective conditions?
Q17. What manual would you refer to if you were trying to find a source, maintenance and recoverability (SM&R) code?
Q18. What manual provides standardized ground and flight operating procedures?
Q19. Name the two distinct parts contained in a TMINS manual number.
Q20. How many sections does the Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI) consist of?
Q21. What publication is the index for requisitioning all Navy publications, forms, and technical directives under the cognizance of the Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC)?
Q22. What publication contains a listing of NAVAIR technical directives as they apply to a particular aircraft?
Q23. A revision to a publication is issued when over what percent of its pages are affected by the change?
Q24. Name the three different types of rapid action changes (RACs).
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