Figure 2-3. - Home keys.
Before you begin to type, put the material to be typed at the right of the typewriter in a position where it is easy to read. You should be positioned about 10 to 12 inches from the keyboard, and slightly to the right of its center.
Put your hands on the home keys of the typewriter keyboard, as shown in figure 2-3. Rest your fingers lightly on the keyboard.
Hold the arms still, trying not to move the elbows. Strike the key with a sharp, firm stroke, releasing it quickly. As the key is released, snap the tip of the finger inward. The stroke should be made quickly and surely, at the center of the key, with minimum motion of the arm and hand. At this point, you should try to strike some of the letters of the home keys, using the following procedures: type the letters jjff jj ff fs ikj, and think the letter as it is being struck.
Previously, the finger that you use for depressing each key for touch typing was discussed. That discussion will be referred to often while studying this section. Now, you should practice the different finger reaches for controlling these letters.
HOME KEY ROW. Figure 2-4 shows some practice lines for typing letters that are on the
Figure 2-4. - Exercise for the home key row.
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