as an indicator of scheduled flights and becomes the basis around which unscheduled work is assigned. Integral green tabs are used to display the scheduled takeoff and landing times. In addition, space is provided for other pertinent information, such as mission loading, fuel load, crew, etc.
3. Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record (OPNAV Form 4790/141) (fig. 4-10). This form, formerly the Preflight, Acceptance, and Personnel Record, Part A, must be requisitioned separately. The use of this form in the aircraft discrepancy book (ADB) is described later in this chapter.
The VIDS display board consists of enlarged cardex pockets for visually displaying weapon system status. Each pocket is overlapped by the one above it so that approximately a 5/8-inch strip is visible at the bottom of the pocket. Boards are currently available in three sizes - 100 pockets, 50 pockets, and 25 pockets. They have three standard configurations, which are described below.
Organizational Maintenance Control Board
The organizational maintenance control board (fig. 4-1 1) shows the current IN WORK, AWM, and AWP status of each aircraft. It also displays scheduled/unscheduled maintenance, including outstanding discrepancies, parts on order, aircraft configurations, and current workload and manning of each work center. As you read this section, refer to figure 4-11 for the location of the information.
A (BUNO/SIDE NO) - Space used to display aircraft engine component time cards, and the information they contain.
B (WORK CENTER) - Space used to display work center designations.
C (IN-WORK) - Graduated space displaying outstanding discrepancy registers in an in-work status. This column is titled IN-WORK.
D (AWM) - Graduated space for displaying outstanding discrepancy registers that are in an awaiting maintenance status.
E (AWP) - Graduated space for displaying outstanding discrepancy registers that are in awaiting parts status.
F (CONFIGURATION) - Space used to display the configuration of specific aircraft. Colored sliding tabs are used to show configuration status according to the configuration key on the header. Space is provided for eight items, but it can be subdivided to provide 16 configurations.
G (MANPOWER INDICATOR) - Space used to indicate the number of personnel assigned to each work center and the number of personnel that are available for work.
Material Control Status Board
The material control status board (fig. 4-12) is used to show outstanding material requisitions
Figure 4-10. - Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record, OPNAV 4790/141.
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