modules are delivered to the Navy at the contractor's plant, the cognizant Navy representative is considered to be the original accepting activity.
The MSR accompanies the module at all times. When the module is installed as a part of a propulsion system, the MSR is maintained concurrently with, and becomes a part of, the propulsion system AESR. When the module is uninstalled, a fastener should be used to bind the record together when the module is transferred or shipped as a separate item, DO NOT STAPLE!
Upon completion of repair or rework, a copy of the MSR reflecting the current status of the module is forwarded to the central repository. The MSR must be securely attached to the module being returned to the supply system or inserted in the propulsion system AESR, as appropriate.
When an MSR becomes damaged or mutilated, the activity having current custody initiates a new record. All information is transcribed to the new record. Entries are typed or plainly printed in black ink, except entries in the replacement block, which are made in pencil. When a record contains no space for additional entries, a new record is prepared, and both records accompany the module until the records are consolidated at repair or rework. MSR consolidation will only be done at I-or D-level activities.
In the top left corner of the first page of each MSR, the type of MSR is indicated; for example, fan, turbine, or afterburner.
In the replacement block (top right corner of the first page), the noun name of the component or assembly that will require the module to be removed from the propulsion system because of its life cycle limit is entered. The due block is computed by adding the component or assembly interval time to the module time minus any hours or counts on the component or assembly at installation. These entries are made in pencil.
The MSR has 10 sections for recording data as listed below.
Section I - Identification Data
Section II - Module Composition
Section III - Installation Data
Section IV - Removal Data
Section V - Technical Directives
Section VI - Identification Data
Section VII - Repair/Rework
Section VIII - Inspection Record
Section IX - Miscellaneous/History
Section X - Exceedances
For detailed descriptions and instructions for each section of the MSR, you should refer to the latest edition of OPNAVINST 4790.2.
This system tracks the operating time/cycle counts of selected engine components. A similar system is used to track selected aircraft components, which is called Aircraft Composition Tracking (ACOMTRAK). These two systems can be easily confused by the AZ; therefore, you must remember that ECOMTRAK deals primarily with life-limited engine components.
The ECOMTRAK system can supply reports that specify the time/cycle counts remaining on each tracked component before it must be inspected or removed and replaced. Using usage rates derived from experiments and tests, work loads for maintenance and rework facilities can be forecast for 5 years. In addition, long-range requirements for new and reworked components can be developed. The cognizant field activity (CFA) or, in some cases, the assistant program manager for logistics (APML) for each engine in the system is responsible for maintaining and updating the ECOMTRAK data base. Each CFA can presently provide management information on TF30, J60, J85, T700, TF34, J52, TF41, F402, F404, T64, T76, T58, T56, T400 and F110 engines. Designated fleet units and others may also obtain such data directly. For further information concerning development of this direct data access capability, contact NAVAVN- MAINTOFF.
Aircraft engines have to be accounted for and reported on regularly in much the same fashion as aircraft. They are the most expensive single item of support in the naval air logistics system, both in terms of unit cost and total dollar expenditure. The sizeable investment in aircraft engines and the continually rising cost of each engine model require close management control to shorten the out-of-service time and also to reduce the quantity of spare engines being purchased. Until 1945, accounting for aircraft engines was maintained by serial number on a manual (as opposed to machine accounting) basis by individual engine
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