Figure 6-16.-Equipment History Record (EHR) Card (front).
to reflect the change. Since this is a pencil entry, it can simply be erased and the new replacement due inserted. In Section V - Repair/Rework/ Overhaul - make the following entries:
Date - The date the action is taken.
Activity - The activity completing the action.
Description - Record the following statement using the associated values: "Time/cycle requirement (increased/decreased) from (old value) to (new value) in accordance with (reference)."
The central repository at the NAVAVNMAINTOFF should be contacted when necessary to determine a required course of action concerning SRCs.
The Equipment History Record (EHR) Card (figs. 6-16 and 6-17) provides a method of monitoring specific maintenance data on maintenance engineering cognizant field activity (MECFA) designated components and equipments that do not qualify as SRC, such as quick
Figure 6-17.-Equipment History Record (EHR) Card (back).
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