An entry is made for items A through H, and M, on each XRAY message submitted to the CNO. All XRAYS submitted that contain item L will include CNO as an information addressee. Entries are made for all other items as the situation requires. If certain items are not required, they are not listed.
An explanation of the XRAY message is contained in the following paragraphs. As you read this section, refer to the format.
The FROM, TO, INFO, and SUBJ lines make up the heading of the report. The name of the activity originating the message is entered on the FROM line. The name of the primary addressee or the activity to which the report is sent is entered on the TO line. The primary addressee is normally the controlling custodian. The names of information addressees are entered on the INFO line. These include those activities with a need to know of the reportable action. The SUBJ line contains five items of information, listed in a particular sequence.
NOTE: Items in the subject line that are enclosed in parentheses will vary with different activities; however, the items enclosed in quotation marks will be present in every report.
First, the abbreviated name of the controlling custodian of the aircraft being reported is entered. The next item is the word XRAY. The third part of this line is the abbreviated name of the reporting custodian and detachment number, if applicable, of the aircraft being reported. Next, the serial number of the XRAY message is entered, and then the report symbol. A typical subject line would read as shown below.
LANT XRAY VP-5 099 5442-1 Item A - bureau number. The bureau number of the aircraft being reported is entered here. This is important because the bureau number is the only single identification that is different for every aircraft in the Navy, regardless of type or model. The CNO maintains and controls the master BUNO register to ensure that a data number, once assigned for use with a production contract, is never reused. The accountability of the aircraft depends upon the bureau number.
Item B - permanent unit code. The six-digit permanent unit code (PUC) representing the reporting custodian of the aircraft being reported is entered here. Each reporting custodian of aircraft has been assigned a permanent unit code by the Chief of Naval Operations, or, in the case of detachments, by the controlling custodian. The assignment of a PUC to a new reporting custodian is also controlled by CNO. This code will never change regardless of any change of location, organization, or mission that a particular activity may undergo. Except in the case of detachments, a permanent unit code is never used again once the unit to which it was assigned has been decommissioned. A detachment may be reassigned the same permanent unit code each time it is formed as long as the designation remains the same, and it is deployed to the same ship or station. For example, HC-12, Det 69, with PUC 999999 could be created and inactivated any number of times provided the regular location of deployment (for example, CV-69) was the same. PUC number 999999 could not be assigned to any unit other than HC-12, Det 69.
Item C - date of action. The month, day, and year of the action reported are entered here. The month is expressed first as a two-digit number; and finally, the year using the last two digits. For example, 21 March 1986 would be reported as 032186.
Item D - action code. One of the 12 action codes previously discussed and listed in table 6-2 is entered as item D. The action code describes the particular action being reported. Action codes used for reporting a change in either reporting or controlling custody are A, F, G, R, and Y. Action codes used for reporting other than a change in custody are E, H, M, S, and X.
Item E - status code. Reported under item E is the new status code into which the XRAY action moves the aircraft. If the action being reported does not involve a change in status, the current applicable status code is entered. A status code describes the aircraft. Table 6-4 gives a listing of permissible action code/status code combinations. After selection of a status code, the action code/status code combinations table found in the governing instruction should be consulted. If the combinations selected do not agree with the table, an error has probably been made and another selection is required. Extreme care is required in the selection of the status code.
Item F - model designation. The full and complete model designation of the aircraft being reported is entered h&e; for example, A-4E, P-3B and RA-5C.
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