work center and the data services facility, and is responsible for all aspects of the MDS at the activity level.
Quality assurance/analysis functions are regularly assigned to senior personnel of the AZ rating; therefore, this section is primarily composed of AZs. The size of the analysis section varies from one activity to another, depending upon the size of the maintenance activity, number of aircraft maintained, etc. The analysis section normally consists of one senior petty officer who is formally trained in the MDS procedures, data processing capabilities, and the techniques of statistical analysis. Additionally, the analyst must be aggressive in maintaining a high quality of input data and imagination in applying analysis techniques to provide useful data for maintenance management purposes. The analysis section reviews and analyzes reports produced by the MDS for information that is of benefit to the maintenance activity.
The general responsibility of the analysis section is to extract and examine pertinent data from the MDS reports. The results are then presented in chart, tabular, or graphic form for easy viewing. The requirements for analysis may stem from various sources and apply to a wide range of maintenance subjects. In some instances, analysis may be initiated to provide an answer to a specific problem. In other instances, analysis of selected areas of maintenance (for example, personnel utilization or productivity of work centers) may be initiated as a monitoring action.
Some of the more important responsibilities of the analysis section are as follows:
Collect, screen, and forward all MDS source documents (cards and forms used to collect data) to the data services facility (DSF) for processing. Those activities using the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) should refer to the NALCOMIS User's Manual for specific procedures of processing MDS source data.
Collect and maintain, in various forms, all data needed to manage the maintenance effort.
Analyze and compare maintenance performance against maintenance plans and work-load estimates.
Review maintenance data reports for significant variations from normal, and isolate and identify the trouble areas revealed by these reports.
Assist the maintenance officer and other supervisory personnel in developing new types of data reports deemed necessary for management of the maintenance effort.
Prepare briefs and explanations covering the content of reports produced by the maintenance data system (DS) for presentation, as required by the commanding officer, maintenance officer, etc.
Identify and analyze material deficiencies and high man-hour consumption areas, and study other pertinent trends.
Assist the material control center in relating the contents of monthly data reports to material consumption and forecasts for material.
Train work center personnel in proper methods of preparing source documents, and assist supervisory personnel in the correct interpretation of resulting reports.
Coordinate all the activity's data collection matters with the local DSF, including the preparation of additional reports as required.
MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION SECTION. - The administrative section provides administrative services for the department by
preparing maintenance oriented correspondence that requires action or special attention by the maintenance officer or higher authority;
establishing and controlling a central maintenance reporting and recordkeeping system for all administrative reports and correspondence, including a file to assure submission of recurring reports;
implementing all directives concerning distribution, retention, and disposition of administrative records and reports;
providing clerical and administrative services for the department;
maintaining a master maintenance message board, annotated with appropriate action taken;
ensuring distribution of sufficient quantities of incoming messages, correspondence, and other data;Continue Reading