(AWM) hours by reason codes, summarized for a given EOC code and associated work unit code during a reporting period (fig. 5-28). This report is prepared from VIDS/MAF documents that have a valid EOC code documented in the Repair Cycle or Maintenance/Supply Record.
This report shows SCIR hours by mission category and awaiting maintenance (AWM) hours by reason codes, summarized by a given EOC code and associated work unit code by bureau/serial number (fig. 5-29). This report is prepared from VIDS/MAF documents that have a valid EOC code documented in the Repair Cycle/ or Maintenance/Supply Record.
This report is designed to show mission capability and maintenance data for each VIDS/MAF submitted for a given EOC code and associated work unit code by bureau/serial number within type equipment code and job control number organization (fig. 5-30).
After the analyst masters and develops his or her own analysis techniques and becomes familiar with all of the Maintenance Data System (MDS) reports and their individual uses, then it is time to arrange the data in a format so that all maintenance personnel can easily understand the data presented.
To be of practical use to management, summarized reports must be compiled, studied, and analyzed by all supervisory personnel in the maintenance activity. The most common format for presenting equipment maintenance and utilization data on a monthly basis is the monthly maintenance summary. The monthly maintenance summary provides a coordinated combination of
Figure 5-28.-Monthly Equipment Mission Capability Summary Report (SCIR-5-1).
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