One of the most important ways to measure naval aviation performance is by the use of flight data. Of all the ways to measure aviation activity, flight operation is directly proportional to the measure of supply support. Therefore, flight data becomes a basis for naval aviation's planning for adequately supplying operating units. The Naval Flight Record Subsystem (NAVFLIRS) serves as a single, integrated source of flight data for AV-3M, the Marine Corps Flight Readiness Evaluation Data System (FREDS), the Individual Flight Activity Reporting System (IFARS), the Navy Logistics Information System (NALIS), and up-line reporting to all other existing systems.
The source document prescribed in the latest edition of the Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) General Flight and Operating Instructions, OPNAVINST 3710.7, for use as the sole source of all naval aircraft flight data is the Naval Aircraft Flight Record, OPNAV 3710/4. The Naval Aircraft Flight Record (fig. 4-7) must be prepared for each attempt at flight of naval aircraft. No substitute forms - are authorized. The Naval Aircraft Flight Record is used to collect the following types of data:
A statistical description of the flight pertaining to the aircraft and crew members
A record of all logistic actions performed during the flight
A record of weapons proficiency
A record of training areas used and other miscellaneous data
The Naval Aircraft Flight Record consists of an original and two color-coded copies of the no-carbon-required (NCR) paper. All of the copies contain identical information. The shaded portions are mandatory fields, and must be filled out for every attempt at flight/simulator training where applicable.
The pilot, or designated crew member, maintains an accurate record of the flight. At the completion of the flight/simulator event, the pilot or mission commander signs the Naval Aircraft Flight Record certifying that it is complete and accurate. If the aircraft and crew member are assigned to different activities and supported by different DSFs, the crew member provides his/her parent activity with a duplicate copy of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record for submission to the supporting DSF.
One record may be used for two or more flights under the following conditions:
The total mission requirement (TMR) codes do not exceed three, and the pilot in command remains the same. TMRs are contained in the appendix of the latest edition of OPNAV- INST 3710.7.
Ops code (shipboard or shore operations) remains the same.
No maintenance or servicing is performed at intermediate stops other than the addition of fuel, oil, or oxygen.
The upper left corner of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record contains a preprinted alphanumeric number that identifies each document, and is required for computer processing. A document with this number missing or unreadable will be rejected by the DSF.
The upper right corner of the Naval Aircraft Flight Record has a section marked "PAGE and is used when an additional record is required to supplement the documentation of multiple-entry data fields. Supplemental records may be attached to page one to provide additional space to document crew member names, additional flight legs and their associated records, or weapons proficiency. The maximum allowable number of supplemental pages is five. The document number of the supplemental pages should be obliterated (made unreadable), and the document number assigned to page one should be written legibly on each supplemental page.
Exception codes are used on the Naval Aircraft Flight Record for entries that require processing for other than routine flights. These codes are contained in the appendix of the latest edition of OPNAVINST 3710.7. The following are examples of situations that would require the use of exception codes:
Gaining or losing crew members to the squadron data base.
Correcting, deleting, or revising previously submitted data.Continue Reading