ingredient is an individual who has an interest in the job, the skill to do it well, and the capability to instruct. The striker or trainee learns by seeing the job done and gains experience by participation in the work. The nature of this type of training makes regular scheduling impractical.
Practical training is performed at every opportunity, and can be monitored by effective use of a training syllabus. The syllabus prepared for this type of training is commensurate with the skills of rated and striker personnel. A report of practical training accomplished is made to division officers at regular intervals, and final attainment of satisfactory levels of skill are recorded as personnel advancement requirements (PAR) in accordance with existing instructions. These records will indicate required training in special areas, as well as certify qualifications for individual advancement in rate.
MTIP is a training management system that identifies training deficiencies at both organizational and intermediate levels of maintenance through diagnostic testing procedures. The program is compatible with and supports the formal technical training programs in naval aviation. By evaluating the technical knowledge level of each individual, the quality of existing training courses and material can be determined. Such evaluation allows corrective action to improve technical knowledge levels and existing training courses, which, in turn, improves individual, work center, and overall activity capabilities.
The PQS program is a systematic means for qualifying officers and enlisted personnel to perform assigned duties. A PQS is a written compilation of the knowledge and skills required by a person to qualify for a specific watch station, to maintain a specific equipment or system, or to perform as a team member within the assigned unit. PQS is an element of a unit's overall training program. A PQS is in the format of a qualification guide that asks the questions a trainee must answer to verify his/her capability to perform a given task. It provides a systematic procedure to assist the individual in tracking and documenting the knowledge and qualifications required for increased professional responsibilities, additional technical skills, and eventual advancement in rating. The specific goal of the PQS program is to serve as a vehicle for continuous qualification of the individual through school and on-the-job experience, and to complement and support formal training programs. Further detailed information regarding PQS can be found in NAVEDTRA 43100-1, and the latest edition of OPNAVINST 3500.34.
Certain directives and publications, as directed by the aircraft maintenance officer, are routed for dissemination as maintenance information. The material should be incorporated in the active required reading file for each division. The active file contains items of maintenance information and such other information that the division officer feels should be read. The standing file contains material that has been read and initialed by all personnel presently assigned, but which is kept on file for the indoctrination of new personnel. The Required Reading and Maintenance Information Record, OPNAV 4790/34 (fig. 2-14), is used to maintain records on required reading accomplished. If no copy of a directive is available for the reading file, a locator sheet is filed in its place, indicating where it can be found. Records are kept on the progress of each person relative to required reading, and new personnel read and initial both the active and standing required reading material. Files are reviewed at least once monthly, and obsolete material is removed from the files and discarded.
Q1. What should you be especially careful of when handling classified material?
Q2. What is the formula for grading a typing test?
Q3. What machine provides the easiest means of reproducing copies of documents?
Q4. What manual should you refer to for detailed information concerning the security of classified information?
Q5. What instruction provides information and guidance for typing a standard letter?
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