involving explosive systems (ordnance and cartridge-actuated devices), launch devices (devices used to launch or fire explosive systems), and armament weapons support equipment (AWSE). An explosive mishap is defined as any condition involving explosive systems, launch devices, or AWSE. These conditions, if not corrected, could result in death or injury to personnel, or damage to or loss of aircraft, equipment or facilities.
Engineering Investigation (EI). EIs provide an investigation process that determines the cause of fleet-reported, equipment/material failures. It is a material analysis inspection or an engineering assistance investigation.
Quality Deficiency Report (QDR). This report provides maintenance activities with a method for reporting deficiencies in new material or newly reworked material.
Aircraft Discrepancy Report (ADR). This report provides a direct method for reporting discrepancies in quality assurance procedures to naval aviation depots (NAVAVNDEPOTs) and civilian contractors performing maintenance on aircraft.
Technical Publication Deficiency Report (TPDR). This report provides a simplified procedure for reporting technical publication safety hazards and routine deficiencies.
Safety is the primary consideration for reports discussed in this section. If a report being submitted meets the criteria for an HMR/EMR and warrants an EI request or category (CAT) I QDR, it should be transmitted as a dual message report; for example, EMR/EI request. All HMRs, EMRs, EI request, and QDRs are submitted to the cognizant field activity (CFA). All supplemental data submitted in conjunction with this program will identify the original submitting activity's report serial number and message date-time group. Copies of reports are retained for 1 year.
A NAMDRP message report is prepared and submitted only under one or more of the following six conditions:
1. When an explosive/accident/incident/ malfunction is involved.
2. When the existence of a known condition which, if not corrected, will or could result in death or injury to pilot, crew, maintenance personnel, or other persons or loss of aircraft. This report is to be made by priority message within 24 hours of discovery.
3. When an urgent change is required to safety or loading or handling instructions to prevent a hazardous condition from occurring.
4. When urgent action or assistance is required or requested.
5. When a condition is detected that allows, due to the design of a part or component, incorrect installation. This condition can be or has been easily accomplished, and system malfunction or failure was the result (Murphy's Law).
6. When damage to an aircraft occurs due to failure of support equipment (SE).
CFA response to an EMR, HMR, and all combined reports, such as HMR/EI, must be provided to the requesting activity within 72 hours of their receipt of the request; within 5 working days after receipt of a routine EI request, CAT I QDR, or CAT I TPDR; within 10 working days after receipt of a CAT II QDR; as soon as possible, but not later than 45 days after receipt of an ADR (30 days in the case of aircraft reworked at a NAVAVNDEPOT); and within 30 days after receipt of a CAT II TPDR.
As an AZ you may be required to submit a NAMDRP report in the course of your duties. Most often, however, you will be required to type a smooth report prepared in a rough form by another person attached to the maintenance activity.
The following content and format applies to the HMR, EMR, EI request, and CAT I QDR message reports. You should note that the spaces on these reports are numbered consecutively from 1 to 22. The basic data for each space is shown below. Detailed procedures for preparation, security classification, and forwarding of completed NAMDRP message reports are contained in the latest edition of OPNAVINST 4790.2.
1. Reporting custodian/unit identification code (UIC).
2. Cognizant field activity (CFA) for failed item. Enter the aircraft CFA when reporting common/general material not installed on, or peculiar to, specific aircraft.
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