The material control center ensures that proper parts, tools, and equipment are available to the production divisions in the required quantities at the proper times. Personnel in this control center compile and analyze maintenance usage data and furnish technical advice and information to the local supply activity on the identity and quantity of supplies, spare parts, and material necessary to accomplish the assigned workload.
The material control center provides material support to the department by
passing all requirements for material required for direct support of weapons system maintenance to the ship or station supply support center;
maintaining a material control register for all material requested in direct support of weapons system maintenance;
maintaining liaison with the supporting supply department on maintenance material matters to ensure that material needs of the maintenance department are satisfied;
initiating surveys in the event of loss, damage, or destruction of accountable items of material and equipment;
recording and reporting custody of materials;
performing certain cost and allotment record accounting, charting, and budgeting of costs;
obtaining, controlling, and reporting authorized allowances of material;
establishing procedures to ensure proper operation of tool rooms and the performance of tool inventories;
validating the NMCS/PMCS status listing on a daily basis; and
establishing delivery and pickup points for all material agreed on by the supply and maintenance officer, and ensuring that material received is promptly routed to the applicable work center.
The MCC is also responsible for the maintenance of aircraft inventory records for assigned aircraft. This responsibility includes the inventory of aircraft upon receipt or transfer.
Maintenance of naval aircraft involves the actual performance of maintenance tasks by mechanics and technicians. The production divisions are manned by maintenance personnel. On an organization chart the production divisions are shown as the lowest element, but this is not in keeping with their importance. If it were not for the production divisions, there would be no reason for the existence of any other part of the organization.
The production element of organizational maintenance activities consists of four divisions, as indicated in figure 1-1. These divisions may be subdivided into branches (as indicated) to perform the required maintenance tasks more efficiently. A discussion of some of the more important functions of the production divisions of an organizational maintenance activity is contained in the following paragraphs.
AIRCRAFT. - The aircraft division coordinates and completes scheduled (inspections) and unscheduled maintenance (major discrepancies that cannot be corrected by troubleshooters) of assigned aircraft. This division performs organizational maintenance tasks in the airframes, power plants, aviators' equipment, and in the inspection branch areas.
AVIONICS/ARMAMENT. - The avionics/ armament division performs organizational maintenance tasks in the avionics and armament areas on assigned aircraft. This division provides personnel to the aircraft division, as required, to accomplish scheduled maintenance (inspections) on aircraft.
LINE. - The line division is responsible for maintenance that involves the day-to-day tasks and functions associated with actual flight operations. AIMDs do not have a division that corresponds to the line division, since they do not operate aircraft. Preflight, postflight, turnaround, oil sampling, daily inspections, between-flight servicing and replenishment, the minor adjustment and checkout of installed aircraft equipment, and assuming custody and accountability for tools and support equipment (SE) assigned to the division are examples of functions performed in this division. The line division administers the plane captain assignment and qualification program and coordinates and directs the troubleshooters, who are normally assigned from work
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