Special Categories. A special category provides for the disposition of logs of experimental aircraft, those having historical value, and logs and records of aircraft and/or equipment that have been involved in an accident resulting in death, missing in action, injury to any person, and/or substantial damage to other than government property. These logs are retained by the operating activity for a period of 1 year, and then they are forwarded to the Washington National Records Center. Refer to SECNAVINST 5212.5 for procedures for transferring records to the Washington National Records Center.
The following personnel are authorized to sign aircraft logbooks and records:
Commanding officer
Organizational-level maintenance officer
Intermediate-level maintenance officer
Depot-level director of operations
OMD operations officer
Additional personnel may be authorized to sign aircraft logbooks and records if they have been designated in writing to do so by one of the personnel listed above. When the contractor or NAVAVNDEPOT field team supervisor is not authorized or does not sign the required logbooks and records, the reporting custodian verifies the work performed and signs the necessary logbook and record entries. Rubber stamp signatures are not authorized.
Signatures are not required to be transcribed when a new logbook is initiated or when old logbook/records are consolidated. The same date is used for all entries in the Inspection and Technical Directives pages, and in the Date Completed column of the Repair/Rework Record. The signature appearing on the Repair/Rework Record is certification that entries in the Inspection and Technical Directives pages are complete and correct as of that date. Subsequent record changes are treated as separate line items and signed accordingly. If logbook/records must be transcribed, then the person's name who originally signed the entry will be typed or printed onto the new page preceded with /s/ to indicate that it was transcribed. Use original documented dates only.
In the event an aircraft logbook is lost, destroyed, or damaged, the following sources of information can be used to reconstruct the logbook :
File of completed VIDS/MAFs (aircraft inspection and general files).
Aircraft record "A" card.
The aircraft discrepancy book (ADB).
Technical Directives Requirements Lists 2 and 4. (These lists can be obtained from the Naval Aviation Maintenance Office [NAVAVN- MAINTOFF].)
Scheduled removal component card (SRC), aeronautical equipment service record (AESR), assembly service record (ASR), and module service record (MSR) information obtained from the central repository at NAV- AVNMAINTOFF.
Equipment history record (EHR) information, which can be obtained from the applicable maintenance engineering cognizant field activity (MECFA) repository.
File of XRAY reports and ETR reports.
Records maintained by the cognizant field activity (CFA) and/or rework activity.
Aircraft manufacturer.
Other available data sources, such as Naval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis (NALDA) and ECAMS.
Pages or forms, other than those described in the latest edition of OPNAVINST 4790.2, are not to be inserted, stapled, or otherwise attached to the logbook. Additional data for which there is no designated place in the logbook are inserted in a manila envelope, which is pasted inside the back of the binder. This envelope should not become a catchall for data that should be an entry in the logbook, or that is not pertinent to the purpose of the logbook.
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