reported in accordance with the latest edition of NAVAIR Instruction 3510.1 or OPNAV Instruction 3500.22.
All activities must submit CAT I TPDR priority messages within 24 hours of discovery of a deficiency. The action addressee for the message report will be the cognizant field activity (CFA) of the equipment, if known, and Naval Air Technical Services Facility (NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC), Code 40.
All activities must submit CAT II routine technical publication deficiencies using OPNAV 4790/66. The original and one copy are sent to NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC, Code 40, and one copy is sent to the CFA of the equipment, if known. A copy is retained by the originating activity for record purposes.
NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC will serve as the central manager for all NAVAIRSYSCOM
Figure 5-11 .-Sample Category II (CAT II) Technical Publication Deficiency Report (OPNAV 4790/66) (Back).
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