5. Section D is used to record the incorporation of technical directives that are applicable to the seat kit.
6. Section E is used to record information on the history and testing of life rafts.
7. Section F is used to record incorporation of technical directives that are applicable to the life raft.
This record is designed to provide a continuous configuration and inspection record of ALSS components, kits and assemblies. This form is a single-copy, two-sided form (fig. 6-13) and is maintained as follows:
1. Maintained in the aircraft logbook for aircraft-mounted components kits or assemblies only, and accompanies the component kit or assembly when removed from the aircraft.
2. This record is initiated by the activity placing the component, kit or assembly into service. Entries are normally made by aviation survival equipment personnel. All information will be recorded using a ball-point pen or typewriter.
The complete maintenance history, installation, and usage data for all items designated as scheduled removal components are recorded on the SRC card (figs. 6-14 and 6-15). The SRC cards are maintained as part of the aircraft logbook or the aeronautical equipment service record as long as the component is installed. When the component is removed from the aircraft or equipment, the SRC card accompanies the component. The card is also used to record maintenance history on any item requiring monitoring, tracking, and trending of failure data by the CFA via the PMIC.
Figure 6-13.-Aircrew Systems Record (front).
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