The Preflight/Daily/Turnaround\Postflight Maintenance Record (OPNAV 4790/38) (fig. 4-17) is used so that scheduled work can be assigned in a preplanned manner between calendar/phased inspections. The certification by maintenance personnel of performance of the preflight, turnaround, post flight, and daily inspections is made on this form. These records may be destroyed upon completion of the next like inspection. All other inspections are recorded on the VIDS/MAF.
Sequence control charts/cards (SCCs) are graphic, sequential work displays. They are prepared to ensure the orderly planning and timely performance of aircraft and engine maintenance requirements. The SCCs integrate all required periodic maintenance work to effectively reduce the total out-of-service time required for a complete scheduled maintenance job.
Maintenance personnel of aircraft that come under the phased PMS are provided with 5- by 8-inch SCCs that serve the same purpose of the larger SCCs that are used with aircraft under the calendar inspection concept. When the Even and Odd calendar inspection concept is used, SCCs titled "Calendar Even" and "Calendar Odd" are provided to maintenance personnel.
The checklist format for inspections provides maintenance personnel with abbreviated requirements for turnaround and preoperational inspections. When checklists are used, the inspection requirements are consecutively numbered and arranged in a logical working order.
The following information is contained on the periodic maintenance information cards (PMICs):
Component/assembly removal/replacement schedule and scheduled removal component (SRC) card and/or assembly service record (ASR) requirements for those items having an approved, mandatory removal/replacement interval.
Airframe structural life limits.
Figure 4-17. - Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Postflight Maintenance Record, OPNAV 4790/38.
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