In general, data may be considered to flow through three distinct but related cycles: (1) the local cycle at the organizational and intermediate levels of maintenance; (2) the local-central cycle between the local activity (ship or station) and NAMSO; and (3) the central-external cycle between NAMSO and the various system commands, other than the originating command.
The MDS comprises four separate but interrelated subsystems: (1) maintenance data reporting (MDR); (2) material reporting (MR); (3) subsystem capability impact reporting (SCIR); and (4) utilization reporting. Some activities use the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) for maintenance action/documentation and reporting. A brief discussion of these subsystems and NALCOMIS is contained in this section of the TRAMAN.
MDR involves the most complex and the widest range of data in the MDS. Maintenance data is generated at the most basic level; that is, from the mechanic or technician who actually performs the maintenance task. Through the use of codes, which can be extracted from the source document and the data entered into the computer, the worker tells what equipment was worked on (which system, subsystem, or component); how the failure or malfunction occurred; when it was discovered; what action was taken to repair the equipment; what parts were used; the number of man-hours expended; and the identity of the work center that did the work. From this information, many maintenance and material data reports are compiled by the DSF. These reports are used to manage an aircraft maintenance organization. The scope of data collected is indicated by the descriptive titles of the data collection forms/source documents that are used. These source documents include the Visual Information Display System/Maintenance Action Form (VIDS/MAF), and the Metrology Equipment Recall (METER) Card (green copy).
Material reporting is the subsystem used to report all supply actions that support maintenance. Repairable component control and/or usage data is submitted to the DSF by the local supply organization, using copy 2 of the VIDS/MAF and material requisitions (DD 1348) as the source documents. The machine reports produced from these documents merge key data elements of maintenance and supply. They provide the local supply, and aircraft intermediate maintenance departments (AIMDs) if requested, with a means to monitor the flow of repairable components.
The information accumulated under the MR system is also reported to management at higher commands. Here, MR is used to advise higher commands of the material expenditures used to support maintenance.
Material reporting is a part of the MDS; however, the primary responsibilities for the detailed procedures involved in MR are NOT the direct responsibility of the AZ. Therefore, MR will not be discussed further in this TRAMAN.
SCIR is generated by the VIDS/MAF. SCIR provides factual information generated at the lowest level of maintenance as to the aircraft equipment inventory and actual subsystem performance. It provides specific aircraft or equipment mission capability; therefore, SCIR defines the categories of full mission capable (FMC), partial mission capable (PMC), and not mission capable (NMC) for a specific type and model aircraft or equipment, including certain training devices.
The degradation of equipment mission capability is reported by recording equipment operational capability (EOC) codes in the repair cycle section and the maintenance/supply record section of the VIDS/MAF. EOC codes are documented when a specific system or subsystem impacts the mission capability of that equipment, The EOC code is a three-position code. Only the first position is documented on the VIDS/MAF, and it is derived from the mission essential subsystem matrices (MESMs) published as an enclosure to the latest edition of Aircraft and Training Devices Material Condition Definitions, Mission-Essential Subsystems Matrices (MESMS), and Mission Descriptions, OPNAVINST 5442.4. The second and third positions of the EOC codes are computer generated using the first two positions of the documented work unit code (WUC). SCIR provides data to determine mission capability and system or subsystem reliability. It serves as a management tool at all levels of management.
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