SDLM, conversion, modification, modernization, and ASPA inspections performed on the aircraft by an overhaul activity or commercial contractor. When an aircraft is transferred to a NAV- AVNDEPOT or contractor activity for rework, the aircraft logbook accompanies the aircraft and is brought up to date as necessary by the activity performing the work. This applies even though there is no change in reporting custodian (fig. 6-5). This record is permanently retained.
Technical Directives forms, which make up the technical directives section of the logbook, contain records of all NAVAIR technical directives (TDs) affecting the airframe structure and its integral parts. A separate form is used for each type of directive in this section.
The system for recording TD data is called the Technical Directive Status Accounting (TDSA) system. Technical directive requirements lists Nos. 02 and 04 are prepared and distributed to reporting custodians by the Naval Aviation Maintenance Office (NAVAVNMAINTOFF), which is the TDSA program manager. List No. 02 contains a listing of directives applicable to a specific bureau number, but not incorporated; and list No. 04 contains a listing of directives applicable to a specific bureau number and reported as incorporated. Lists Nos. 02 and 04 are distributed to activities on a quarterly basis. Since these listings reflect applicable TDs, it is not necessary to add TDs to the lists that are not applicable.
Lists Nos. 02 and 04 should be inserted in the technical directive section of the aircraft logbook, with list No. 02 preceding list No. 04. You should refer to the latest editions of OPNAVINST 4790.2 and NAVAIR 00-25-300 for a more detailed explanation of the TDSA system.
Upon receipt of the initial lists Nos. 02 and 04 of the same date, you should remove Technical Directives forms from the logbook; and after verification against the new lists, retain or destroy them at the direction of the reporting custodian.
Figure 6-5.-Repair/Rework Record
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