case of the VIDS/MAF copy 1 or METER card (green copy) A-Z records.
Within the Maintenance Data System (MDS), large amounts of readiness and maintenance data are generated at the local level. This data consists of coded elements that are summarized in daily and monthly reports. The description, content and use of the MDS reports prepared by the DSF and used by the data analyst (at the organizational level) are discussed in this section of the TRAMAN. NAVFLIRS reports were previously discussed in chapter 4 and will not be discussed in this chapter. Those activities using NALCOMIS should refer to NALCOMIS User's Manual for information concerning the Maintenance Data System (MDS).
This report is prepared from data submitted on copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF and is printed in three parts. Part I contains data that has no errors and is considered valid. Part II contains records submitted during the current reporting period which contain errors that have not been corrected. Part III will be printed if there are any correction/deletion records which cannot be applied to the local data base due to erroneous data. The work center supervisor should verify the daily audit report (fig. 5-1 3) to ensure that all data contained on the work centers VIDS/MAFs have been correctly key punched by the DSF.
This report lists all maintenance actions in work center sequence including technical directive compliance and data entered in the (H-Z) Failed/Required Material block of the VIDS/ MAF (fig. 5-14). It also provides the work center supervisor with statistical data pertaining to the work center; for example, man-hours expended to repair a subsystem.
This report is a consolidated list, by organization, of all maintenance and technical directive compliance actions submitted during the month by the parent organization and the supporting activity. This report is prepared from data submitted on the VIDS/MAF copy 1 for all transaction codes except 00, 02, and 03 (fig. 5-15).
Figure 5-13.-VIDS/MAF Copy 1 Daily Audit Report.
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