Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATION, PLANT ACCOUNT, AND PUBLICATIONS - 12655_9Standard naval letter - 12655_10Multiple-address letter - 12655_11JOINT LETTERS - 12655_12MESSAGES - 12655_13NAVY MAILED MESSAGE PROGRAM - 12655_14CLASSIFIED MATERIAL CONTROL - 12655_15CARE DURING WORKING HOURS - 12655_16STOWAGE PROCEDURESPLANT ACCOUNT AND PROPERTY RECORDSNAVSUP FORM 306 PREPARATION PROCEDURES - 12655_19PUBLICATIONSNAVAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS COMMAND PUBLICATIONSAfloat Shopping Guide - 12655_22MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP - 12655_23General Services Administration Federal Supply Catalog - 12655_24Consolidated Remain-In-Place ListTECHNICAL MANUALS - 12655_26List of Common ARRs, ALs, and TBAs - 12655_27INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICES - 12655_28MAINTENANCE OF PUBLICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONSChapter 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES - 12655_31BACKGROUND - 12655_32OBJECTIVES - 12655_33RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE OPERATING FORCES LEVELNAVY STOCK ACCOUNT - 12655_35SPECIAL ACCOUNTING CLASS 207 TRANSACTIONSFLEET ACCOUNTING AND DISBURSING CENTER MANAGEMENT REPORTSFUND IDENTIFICATION - 12655_38THRESHOLD CONCEPT - 12655_39REQUISITION ACCOUNTING DATA - 12655_40Flow of accounting data - 12655_41OPTAR RECORDS, LOGS, AND FILES - 12655_42FAADC TRANSACTION LISTINGS - 12655_43Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing - 12655_44Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFO/EDL) - 12655_45Aged Unfilled Order Listing - 12655_46Chapter 3 MATERIAL RECEIPT, CUSTODY, AND SURVEYS - 12655_47SUPPLY SUPPORT RESPONSIBILITIES - 12655_48RECEIPT DOCUMENTATION - 12655_49DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document, DD Form 1348-1 - 12655_50DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document, DD Form 1348-1 - 12655_51Order for Supplies and Services, DD Form 1155 - 12655_52Order for Supplies and Services, DD Form 1155 (direct delivery/fast pay) - 12655_53Order for Supplies and Services, DD Form 1155 (indirect delivery) - 12655_54Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250 - 12655_55Figure 3-9.-Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250Government Bill of Lading (GBL), Standard Form 1103 - 12655_57RECEIPT DISCREPANCIES - 12655_58PREPARATION OF THE REPORT OF DISCREPANCY - 12655_59Instructions for Preparation of DD Form 364 - 12655_60Instructions for Preparation of DD Form 364Continued - 12655_61Instructions for Preparation of DD Form 364Continued - 12655_62MATERIAL TURNED IN TO STORES ASHORE - 12655_63TURN-IN OF NOT-READY-FOR-ISSUE (NRFI) REPAIRABLESECURITY OF MATERIALProperty Book Material - 12655_66Report of Survey, DD Form 200 (front) - 12655_67Report of Survey, DD Form 200 (reverse) - 12655_68Instructions for Preparation of DD Form 200 - 12655_69DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURVEY - 12655_70Chapter 4 PURCHASING - 12655_71SMALL PURCHASE PROCEDURES - 12655_72SMALL BUSINESS-SMALL PURCHASE SET-ASIDES - 12655_73BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT - 12655_74Authority for Imprest Fund - 12655_75Prohibited Uses of the Imprest Fund - 12655_76Report of receipt, nonreceipt, or nonconformance card - 12655_77PURCHASE ORDER-INVOICEVOUCHER, STANDARD FORM 44 Distribution - 12655_79Chapter 5 Aviation Material Management - 12655_81ORDERING PARTS AND MATERIAL - 12655_82Handling and Preparation of Engineering Investigation or Quality Deficiency Report MaterialAIRCRAFT INVENTORY RECORD - 12655_84AIR Shortages - 12655_85RESPONSIBILITIES - 12655_86Status Listings - 12655_87REQUISITION CONTROL UNIT - 12655_88Material Delivery Unit - 12655_89COMPONENT CONTROL SECTION - 12655_90Supply Screening Unit - 12655_91Awaiting Parts Unit - 12655_92OPERATIONAL SUPPORT INVENTORY/FIXED ALLOWANCE - 12655_93Allowance Change Request-Fixed, 5-14 NAVSUP Form 1375 - 12655_94ACR-F Format - 12655_95Appendix I References - 12655_97Appendix II Glossary - 12655_99Appendix II Glossary-Cont. - 12655_100DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA)NAVY ITEM CONTROL NUMBER (NICN)RANDOM SAMPLING INVENTORYRESPONSIBILITY OFFICERIndex - 12655_155Index-Cont. - 12655_156Index-Cont. - 12655_157