Advancement . . . are you ready? Did you study
enough? Did you study the correct manuals? Many
did; others didn't; and some just dont know.
Everyone should be well aware of the personal
advantages of advancement: higher pay, greater pres-
tige, more interesting and challenging work, and the
satisfaction of getting ahead in your chosen field.
The Navy also profits by your advancement.
Highly trained personnel are essential to the function-
ing of the Navy. By advancing, you increase your
value to the Navy in two ways: First, you become more
valuable as a person who can supervise, lead, and train
others. Second, you become more valuable as a tech-
nical specialist.
The primary purpose of this training manual is to
aid personnel in meeting the professional (technical)
qualifications for advancement in the Aviation Boat-
swains Mate (Fuels) rating. A secondary purpose is
to help improve job skills. You can achieve these goals
through use of this manual as a study aid along with
on-the-job training.
The information contained in this manual is based
on the occupational standards for the ABF rating,
which are found in Aviation Boatswains Mate, Fuels
(ABF) Advancement Handbook For Petty Officers,
NAVEDTRA 71201. Take note that occupational
standards are regularly evaluated and updated and any
changes that occurred after March 1993 may not be
reflected in this manual. Always check with the edu-
cation services officer when preparing for advance-
ment to make sure you meet the current requirements.
This chapter will explain the purpose of training
manuals and nonresident training courses. It also will
describe the ABF rating, the organization of afloat and
ashore commands, and the responsibilities of various
parts of each command.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the relation-
ship between the ABF TRAMAN and specific
occupational standards.
Training manuals (TRAMANs) are written to pro-
vide minimum coverage of rating-specific Occupa-
tional Standards. TRAMANs are also written to cover
Naval Standards (MRPO1), which are the responsi-
bilities of all Navy ratings. A TRAMAN may address
a single rate (AK3), multiple rates (AO 3&2), or por-
tion of a rating (BM, volume 1). It may also be a
generic manual that may be used by several ratings
(Basic Machines). This manual, Aviation Boatswains
Mate (Fuels), will cover paygrades E-4 through E-7 in
the ABF rating.
Nonresident Training Courses (NRTCs) are self-
study courses that may include assigned exercises,
lessons, or examinations designed to aid the student in
gaining the knowledge or skills described in the asso-
ciated text. This ABF TRAMAN will have two
NRTCs: one for ABF 3&2, and one for ABF 1&C.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the path for
advancement in the AB rating. Describe the
ABF rating.
The Aviation Boatswains Mate rating is divided
into three service ratings in paygrades E-4 through
E-8. The service ratings are Aviation Boatswains
Mate H (Aircraft Handling), Aviation Boatswains
Mate E (Launch and Recovery Equipment), and Avia-
tion Boatswains Mate F (Fuels). The general rating,
AB, applies at the E-9 level only.