turbine. As an AD, you will work with the gas
tends to move at a constant speed, in a straight
turbine engines. Under jet turbine engines are four
line unless acted upon by some external force."
types: turbojet, turboprop, turbofan, and turbo-
Newton's second law states "An unbalance of
shaft. There are 2 engine designation systems in
force on a body tends to produce an acceleration
use today to identify the different types of gas
turbine engines.
if any, is directly proportional to the force and
inversely proportional to the mass of the body."
The law simply stated is "force is proportional
to the product of mass and acceleration."
Turbojet engines are the basis for all other gas
turbine engines. We already know their cycle. Air
is drawn into the turbojet engine compressed,
mixed with fuel, and burned continuously.
The exhaust product of this burning operates
F = force, in pounds;
M = mass, in slugs; and
thrust which propels the aircraft. Adding fans,
turbojet into a turboshaft, turboprop, or turbo-
His third law states that "for every acting
force (action) there is an equal and opposite
reacting force (reaction)." We learned this
principle earlier with the rocket.
Turboshaft engines use the free turbine
turbine and a power turbine. The power turbine
(fig. 1-11) drives the helos rotor blades, through
We learned the four basic types or classes of
drive shafts and gearboxes.
jet engines: rocket, pulsejet, ramjet and jet
Figure 1-11.-Turboshaft engine.