CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTINGGENERAL PRECAUTIONSFigure 2-1.-Radiation, intake, exhaust, and turbine blade failure danger areas.Low-Voltage PrecautionsVolatile LiquidsELECTRICAL FIRESNonmagnetic ToolsUNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTING TECHNIQUESNonelectric ComponentsNonelectric Components - ContinuedUSE OF BASIC TEST EQUIPMENTFigure 2-2.-Continuity test.Figure 2-3.-Wheatstone bridge.DC VOLTMETERFigure 2-4.--Schematic diagram of a typical multimeter.Figure 2-5.-Digital multimeter.Figure 2-6.-Megger internal circuit and external view.TIME-DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRYPHASE ANGLE VOLTMETERFigure 2-9.-Differential voltmeter.AIRCRAFT WIRE AND CABLESFigure 2-10.-Cables commonly used in aircraft.Wire Selection and CharacteristicsTable 2-1.-Current Rating of WiresFigure 2-11.-Examples of wire identification coding.Figure 2-12.-Spacing of identification stamping on wire and cableWiring and Cable Identification CodesFigure 2-13.-Wire stripping method.Table 2-3.--Approximate Soldering Iron Size for TinningFigure 2-14.-Typical heat shrinkable tubing.SHOCK MOUNTSFigure 2-15.-Typical shock mounts.FABRICATION OF CABLESFigure 2-17.-Connector soldering sequence.Figure 2-21.-Routing cables through lightening holes.Figure 2-22.-Routing cables.Parts Requiring BondingFigure 2-23.-Bonding methods.MAINTENANCE OF MOTORS AND GENERATORSFigure 2-24.-Typical use of sleeving.MAINTENANCE OF MOTORS AND GENERATORS - ContinuedCIRCUIT CONSTRUCTIONFigure 2-25.--Printed circuit module.Figure 2-26. -MA-2 aircraft electrical power test set assembly.Variable-Speed Drive AssemblyHuntron Tracker 1000Figure 2-27.-Circuit signatures: View A-Low-range open circuit; view B--medium and high range open circuit; and view C--all ranges short circuit.Figure 2-29.-Front panel.Table 2-4.-Front Panel Controls and ConnectorsFigure 2-30.-Back panel.Figure 2-31.-Auto/alternate sequence.Troubleshooting TipsTroubleshooting Tips - ContinuedIN-CIRCUIT TESTINGMaterial Identity: DiodeFigure 2-32.-Jet ignition system test panel.Figure 2-33.-Tachometer Indicator-Generator Test Set TTU-27/E.Figure 2-34.-JETCAL analyzer.JET CALIBRATION (JETCAL) ANALYZERFigure 2-35.-Synchrophaser test set.Figure 2-36.-Test Set, TTU-205C/E.CAPACITIVE-TYPE LIQUID QUANTITY TEST SET TF-20Figure 2-37.-TF-20 liquid quantity test set.Figure 2-39.-Air-conditioning Test Set AN/PSM-21A.Figure 2-40.-VAST station.Figure 2-41.-Data transfer unit (DTU).OPERATION OF A VAST STATIONFigure 2-43.-VAST control panel.COMPONENT SUSCEPTIBILITYTable 2-9.-Typical Measured Electrostatic VoltagesCONDUCTIVE ESD PROTECTIVE MATERIALSANTI-STATIC ESD PROTECTIVE MATERIALSFigure 2-44.-ESDS markings.CHAPTER 3 POWER GENERATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMSAIRCRAFT LIGHTING SYSTEMSFigure 4-1.-Lamp bases.Figure 4-4.-Exterior lighting.Figure 4-5.-Typical helicopter lighting.Figure 4-6.-Retractable landing lights.Approach LightsFigure 4-7.-Angle-of-attack components.Figure 4-8.-Rheostat switch.Figure 4-9.-Interior lighting.Cockpit LightsFigure 4-10.-Cockpit utility light.AIRCRAFT ELECTROHYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMSFigure 4-12.-Basic hydraulic system, hand-operated pump.Figure 4-13.-Hydraurlic surface control booster with no mechanical input and AFCS disengaged.Figure 4-14.-Hydraulic surface control booster with no mechanical input and AFCS engaged.BOOSTER SYSTEM OPERATIONFigure 4-15.-Landing gear control circuit.Arresting Gear SystemFigure 4-16.-Arresting gear control and indicating system.COMMAND POTENTIOMETERFigure 4-17.-Nosewheel steering system.Catapulting SystemFigure 4-18.-Catapulting system control and indicating system.Figure 4-19.-Speed brake system.Figure 4-20.-Canopy system.Figure 4-21.-Canopy jettison.Figure 4-22.-Pneumatic system.AIRCRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMSTERMS AND DEFINITIONSFigure 4-23.- cabin air-conditioning pressurization diagramFigure 4-24.-Temperature control panel.System OperationFigure 4-25. - Cabin air-conditioning and pressurization schematic diagramFigure 4-26.--Equipment cooling flow diagram.Figure 4-27.-Equipment cooling schematic diagram.CABIN AND VENT SUIT TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 4-28.-Cabin temperature channel.Figure 4-29.-Vent suit channel.Figure 4-30. - Winshield anti-icing system.Windshield Anti-Icing and Defogging SystemFigure 4-31.-Pitot tube anti-icing circuit.CONSTANT SPEED DRIVE/STARTERCHAPTER 5 AIRCRAFT POWER PLANT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMSFigure 5-2.-Air turbine starter.Figure 5-3.-Air turbine starting system diagram.IGNITION SYSTEMSFigure 5-4.-Cross-sectional view of a jet igniter plug.Figure 5-5.-Functional schematic of capacitor-discharge system.Figure 5-6.-Jet engine electronic ignition system.Engine Alternator StatorENGINE COORDINATORSFigure 5-7.-Engine temperature control (turboprop) system block diagram.ENGINE START CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 5-8.-Engine start control system.Table 5-1. Engine Starting SequenceStarting Fuel Enrichment ValveENGINE START CYCLE OPERATIONPOWER PLANT ANTI-ICING AND DEICING SYSTEMSFigure 5-9.-Inlet guide vane anti-icing system.Figure 5-10.-Electrical deicing for a propeller system.PROPELLER DEICING SYSTEMSFigure 5-12.-Typical engine fire warning circuit schematic.Figure 5-13.-Container and dual valve assembly.Figure 5-14.-Engine fire-extinguishing circuit schematic.FUEL TRANSFER SYSTEMSCENTER OF GRAVITY (CG) CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 5-15.-Oil temperature control circuit.Figure 5-16.-Automatic oil temperature control circuit.OPERATING PRINCIPLESFigure 5-17. - Variable exhaust nozzle system schematic diagramPROPELLER SYNCHROPHASING SYSTEMSYNCHROPHASINGOPERATIONAL MODESFigure 5-18.-Synchrophaser control schematic diagram.Figure 5-19.-Power lever anticipation and speed derivative circuits in normal governing mode.LIMITING ENGINE TRANSIENT SPEED CHANGESFigure 5-20. - Synchrophaser schematic diagram, synchrophaser mode ( slave channel)Figure 5-21.--Master and slave pulse comparisons.Figure 5-22.-Off-speed pulse comparison: (A) slave underspeed; (B) slave overspeed.Figure 5-23.-Simplified schematic of signal summing.TROUBLESHOOTING HINTSPROPELLER CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 5-24.-Propeller control circuit.FUEL GOVERNOR AND PROPELLER PITCHLOCK TEST SWITCHPROPELLER CONTROL OPERATIONAPPROACH POWER COMPENSATOR SYSTEMFigure 5-25.-Approach power compensator simplified schematic.MASTER POWER DISTRIBUTIONSPREAD SEQUENCEPYLON AND STABILATOR FOLDVARIABLE INLET DUCT RAMP SYSTEMCHAPTER 6 AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTSFigure 6-1.-Mercurial barometer.Figure 6-4.-(A) Airspeed indicator; (B) maximum allowable airspeed indicator.Figure 6-5.-Airspeed/Mach indicator.Figure 6-6.-Airspeed/Mach number indicator mechanical schematic.ELEVATION AND TRUE ALTITUDEFigure 6-7.-Different types of altitude.Figure 6-8.-Simplified aneroid mechanism.Figure 6-10.-Mechanical schematic of a counter pointer pressure altimeter.Figure 6-11.-Vertical speed indicator (VSI).Figure 6-13.-F-14 air data computer system.Figure 6-14.-Air data computer block diagram showing inputs and outputs.Table 6-1.-Symbols Used with an ADC SystemFigure 6-15.-ADC (digital processor) inputs and outputs.Figure 6-17.-ADC system airstream senors.Figure 6-18.-Pitot-static probe.Figure 6-19.-Total temperature circuit.Figure 6-20.--The automatic altitude reporting system.ERRORS IN MEASURED STATIC PRESSURETable 6-2.-Computer RequirementsFigure 6-21.-CPU-66/A computer components.Figure 6-24.-AAU-19/A, AAU-21/A, AAU-24/A altimeters.Figure 6-25.-AAU-19/A altimeter.Figure 6-26.-AAU-24/A altimeter dial face.Figure 6-27.-Altimeter block diagram.Figure 6-28.-AOA indicators: (A) radial; (B) vertical scale.Figure 6-30.-Mechanical schematic of airstream direction detectorFigure 6-32.-Angle-of-attack (AOA) indications.Figure 6-33.-Rudder shaker schematic (simplified).Figure 6-35.-Action of a freely mounted gyroscope.Figure 6-36.-Precession resulting from deflective force.Figure 6-38.-Roll and pitch indications on the attitude indicator.Figure 6-39.-All-attitude indicator (AAI).TURN POINTERFigure 6-41.-Miscellaneous flight instruments.Figure 6-42.-Accelerometer mechanical schematic.Direct-Reading Magnetic CompassesOutside Air Temperature IndicatorFigure 6-43.-Tachometer indicators: (A) jet engine (radial); (B) jet engine (vertical scale).Figure 6-44.-Cutaway view of a tachometer generator.Figure 6-45.-Cutaway view of a tachometer indicator (radial).Vertical Scale IndicatorsFigure 6-46.-F-14 engine instrument indicating group.Figure 6-47.-Indicator of a resistance thermometer.Figure 6-49.-Radiometer type temperature indicator.Figure 6-50.-Thermocouples: (A) gasket type; (B) rivet type.Figure 6-51.-Turbine inlet temperature indicator system.Figure 6-52.-Exhaust gas temperature indicating system.Figure 6-53.-Cutaway view of a fuel flow transmitter.Figure 6-54.-(A) Fuel flow indicator; (B) fuel flow totalizer indicatorFUEL FLOW TOTALIZER INDICATORFigure 6-58.-Bourdon tube oil pressure instrument.Figure 6-59.-Schematic of a synchro oil pressure indicating system.Figure 6-60.-Fuel pressure synchro system.Figure 6-61.-Exhaust nozzle position indicating system.Figure 6-62.-Torquemeter system: (A) pickup assembly; (B) indicating system.Figure 6-63.--Fuel quantity indicator: (A) Radial; (B) vertical scaleFigure 6-64.-Fuel quantity transmitter.Figure 6-67.-Fuel quantity indicator schematic.Figure 6-68.-Fuel quantity tank units: (A) Noncharacterized; (B) Characterized.Figure 6-69.-(A) Hydraulic pressure indicator; (B) hydraulic pressure indicating schematic.Figure 6-70.-Cabin pressure altitude indicator.Figure 6-71.-Three-wire dc synchro system.Figure 6-72.--Landing gear position indicating system: (A) typical; (B) system schematic.Figure 6-74.-Dc synchro flap position indicating system.Figure 6-75.--Integrated position indicator (IPI).INSTRUMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCEMarkings and GraduationAircraft PlumbingFigure 6-76.-Electrical line identification application.Figure 6-77.-Functional identification tape data.PITOT-STATIC INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCEINSTRUMENT TESTINGTable 6-4.-Troubleshooting Chart--Airspeed IndicatorTable 6-5.-Troubleshooting Chart--Fuel Flow Indicating SystemEMERGENCY PROTECTIVE TREATMENTCHAPTER 7 COMPASS AND INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEMSFigure 7-1.-Schematic representation of earth showing axis of rotation and equator.Figure 7-5.-Latitude of M is angle QOM or arc QM.Figure 7-6.--Longitude is measured between meridians.Figure 7-8.-Westerly magnetic variation.Figure 7-10.-Effect of compass error.Figure 7-11.-The earth's magnetism.CELESTIAL NAVIGATIONINERTIAL NAVIGATIONFigure 7-12.--Flux valve heading changes.Figure 7-13.-Magnetic flux line movement.Figure 7-16.-Compass transmitter schematic and functional symbols.Figure 7-17.--Typical displacement gyro and servo loops.Figure 7-18.-Horizontal situation indicator.Figure 7-19.-Bearing-distance-heading indicator.Figure 7-20.-Block diagram of the attitude heading reference system.Figure 7-21.-Displacement gyroscope.Figure 7-22.-Amplifier power supply.Compass Adapter CompensatorFigure 7-25.-Switching rate gyroscope.Figure 7-26.--Attitude direction indicator.Fundamentals of IntegrationFigure 7-27.-Simple single-axis INS block diagram.Figure 7-29.-Two-axis inertial navigation system, block diagram.Figure 7-30.-Two-axis inertial platform in a plane coordinate system.Figure 7-31.-Acceleration and velocity curves.Figure 7-33.-Principle of an accelerometer: (A) accelerometer at null, (B) true acceleration, (C) spurious acceleration due to gravity.Figure 7-35.-Basic inertial navigation system.Figure 7-36.-Simplified platform stable element.Figure 7-38.-Gimbal flipping action.Figure 7-39.-Earth rate torquing: (A) without gyro torquing; (B) with gyro torquing.Figure 7-41.-Simple pendulum.Figure 7-42.-Compound pendulum.Figure 7-43.-Frame of reference.Figure 7-44.-Gyro maintaining inertial platform level.MAINTAINING THE FRAME OF REFERENCEFigure 7-45.-Centripetal correction along latitude.Figure 7-46.-Platform on great circle route.Figure 7-47.-Coriolis effects.Figure 7-48.-Coriolis and centripetal corrections.Figure 7-49.-Simplified Schuler-tuned loop, platform level.Fine Alignment (Leveling)Figure 7-53.-Typical heading alignment loop.COARSE SEA ALIGNMENTTYPES OF INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEMSFigure 7-55.-Typical semianalytic inertial navagation system, block diagram.Figure 7-57.-Strap-down inertial navigation system, block diagram.Figure 7-58.-Compass rose, with aircraft on south heading.Compass RoseFigure 7-59.-Compass correction card.Figure 7-60.-MC-2 magnetic compass calibrator set.Figure 7-61.-Electrical swing and manual swing at a 90-degree heading.MC-2 Magnetic Compass Calibrator SetCHAPTER 8 AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL AND STABILIZATION SYSTEMSFigure 8-2.-Lift increases as velocity increases.Figure 8-3.-Constant velocity verus increasing angle of attack.Figure 8-4.-Induced drag.Figure 8-5.-Lift and drag change proportionately with the shape of the airfoil.Figure 8-8.-Fixed-wing aircraft controls.Figure 8-9.-Flight controls. (A) Elevator and aileron; (B) Rudder.Figure 8-10.-Helicopter flight controls.Figure 8-12.-Flapping angle creates horizontal lift. (A) Hovering flight; (B) Forward flight.AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS (AFCS)AFCS COMPONENTSFigure 8-14.-(A) Air navigation computer; (B) One-channel amplifier/computer.Figure 8-15.-Control stick steering components.Figure 8-16.-Signal generator pickoff operation.Figure 8-17.-Vertical gyro components.Figure 8-18.-Vertical pitch and roll reference.Figure 8-19.-Three-axis rate gyro orientation diagram.Figure 8-20.-Rate gyro axis orientation.Figure 8-22.-(A) Barometric altitude control; (B) Internal parts; (C) Simplied schematic.Figure 8-23.-Flap position transmitter and schematic.Figure 8-24.-Accelerometer transmitter.Figure 8-26.-Dynamic sensor pendulum positions: (A) Coordinated turn; (B) Slip; (C)Skid.ELECTROHYDRAULIC SERVO ACTUATORSFigure 8-27.-Hydraulic booster block diagram.Figure 8-28.--Automatic pitch trim block diagram.Stability Augmentation ModeAutomatic Carrier Landing System (ACLS)Figure 8-30.-Helicopter automatic flight control system panel.AFCS POWER SWITCHING ASSEMBLYAIRSPEED TRANSDUCERDigital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS)ATTITUDE AND AIRSPEED HOLDFigure 8-32.-DAFCS input/output block diagram.HOVER AUGMENTATION/GUST ALLEVIATIONAUTOMATIC APPROACH TO HOVERPITCH BIAS ACTUATOR (PBA)Figure 8-33.-ASE control panel.CHANNEL MONITOR PANELFigure 8-36.-Hover trim control panel.Figure 8-37.-Dual-channel LAG amplifier.Figure 8-39. -Attitude demodulator.Figure 8-41.-Inertial velocity system computer.Figure 8-44.-Collective pitch lever grip.Figure 8-46.-Stick trim valve and schematic diagram.Figure 8-47.-Servo valve.Pitch ChannelFigure 8-48.-ASE/coupler pitch channel.Figure 8-49.-ASE/coupler run channel.Figure 8-50.-ASE/coupler collective channel.Figure 8-51.-ASE yaw channel.Yaw ChannelAPPENDIX I GLOSSARYAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX I GLOSSARY - Continued\APPENDIX I GLOSSARY - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLSAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX II SYMBOLS - ContinuedAPPENDIX III REFERENCESAPPENDIX III REFERENCES - ContinuedAPPENDIX III REFERENCES - ContinuedAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERSAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - ContinuedAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - ContinuedAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - Continued APPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - ContinuedAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - ContinuedAPPENDIX IV REVIEW SUBSET ANSWERS - Continued