concentrate tank is injected into the saltwater (injection
point is on the 03 level just downstream of the saltwater
control valve) via a positive displacement pump,
usually 60 gpm.
This injection pump serves the
flush-deck and cannon-type nozzles.
Deck edge
nozzles may be served by the AFFF two-speed pump
system or single-speed injection pump system.
Controls for the flight deck fixed fire-extinguishing
system are located in both Pri-Fly and on the navigation
bridge. The controls allow for selection of saltwater
AFFF or system shutdown.
AFFF Hose Reel Station
Hangar bay AFFF hose outlets are located port and
starboard near the AFFF injection stations from which
they are supplied. A push-button control is located
adjacent to each AFFF hose station. The station has a
1 1/2-inch hose reel and one 2 1/2-inch hose outlet (fig.
Flight deck AFFF hose outlets are located in
catwalks and near the island. The station has one reel of
1 1/2-inch hose and/or one 2 1/2-inch hose outlet or two
2 1/2-inch hose outlets with hose and nozzle
preconnected to each outlet. A push-button control,
X50J phone circuit box, and E call button are located
next to each AFFF hose station. There is emergency
lighting at each hose reel station. The controls are
located in Pri-Fly and on the NAVBRIDGE.
As you become more familiar with aircraft
fire-fighting tactics and equipment, you will become
more familiar with the many different types of portable
equipment that the fire fighter uses to combat and
contain aircraft fires. Some of the equipment you will
use is discussed in this section.
Vari-nozzles are used on all AFFF and saltwater
hose lines. Flow rates are 250 gpm for all 2 1/2-inch
hose lines. Nozzles on 1 1/2-inch AFFF hoses on flight
and hangar decks are the 125 gpm units. Nozzles on the
1 1/2-inch saltwater lines and those used with AFFF
in-line inductors are 95 gpm models. All nozzle gpm
flow rates are based on 100 psi pressure at the nozzle
inlet. See figure 12-6.
Figure 12-5.AFFF hose reel.
Figure 12-6.Examples of variable-stream fog nozzles.