All NRFI repairable items turned in are staged
for shipment to the designated advance trace-
ability and control (ATAC) HUB facility and
further shipment to the designated overhaul point
(DOP). For aviation activities, turn-in of
NRFI repairable is only made by the aircraft
intermediate maintenance department (AIMD)
beyond capability maintenance (BCM) action for
items originating from a supported department
or unit. Promptly upon receipt of an NRFI
repairable, a DD Form 1348-1 must be prepared
for the earliest possible shipment.
As the DD Form 1348-1 is the basic document
used by the supply system, it is essential that the
form be prepared accurately and completely.
Refer to NAVSUP P-485, chapter 5, for the
prescribed format, A sample filled-out DD Form
1348-1, turn-in unserviceable DLR, is shown in
figure 3-13.
When check/test/repair capability does not
exist at the local IMA, all aviation DLRs and some
designated field level repairable (FLRs) must be
shipped to the designated support point (DSP) or
DOP or to another activity having the capability
to repair that component. Under normal cir-
cumstances, the determination must be made
within 24 hours.
When determined that repair capability does
not exist, the component is shipped to another
activity within 48 hours. Total hold time for IMA,
supply, and maintenance may not exceed 3 days.
When material is stored in storerooms or other
areas assigned to the supply department, the
supply officer is responsible for the storage,
security, and inventory control of the material.
The supply officer may delegate this responsibility
to the person in charge of the storeroom or storage
Stock material may be stored in other than
supply department spaces when the requirements
stated in NAVSUP P-485 and NAVSUP P-567
have been met. The supply officer maintains
records relating to supply transactions of all
material stored in other department spaces.
Another category of custody is material in sub-
custody of other department heads. Maintenance
Figure 3-13.DD Form 1348-1, turn-in unserviceable DLR.