Commander-in-Chief United States Naval Forces
Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR) Headquarters staff.
Ships of a fleet are grouped by types and assigned
to type commanders (TYCOM) for administration.
Certain TYCOMs have primary logistics
responsibilities that extend beyond their own type
organization. These are the Commander, Naval Air
Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVAIRLANT) or
(CNAL) and Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific
Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC) or (CNAP). Other
responsibilities of COMNAVAIRLANT include acting
as logistics agent for aviation support to ships and
stations. Some of the specific functions delegated to
COMNAVAIRLANT areas follows:
. Provides planning information to support bases
about aircraft deployments
l Issues aviation supply outfitting directives
. Controls the distribution of critical aviation
. Sets up supply procedures, stock levels, and
requisitioning channels for aeronautical material for
fleet ships and bases
. Implements aviation supply policy and
procedures directed by higher authority
Supply officers on the staff of type commanders
perform the following functions:
l Keep the type commander advised of supply
. Ensure compliance with Navy Department and
fleet supply directives
. Make recommendations about supply policies,
procedures, and conditions of readiness affecting ships
. Conduct inspections of supply functions as
The Aviation Material Office, Atlantic (AVNMAT-
OLANT) is an agent of COMNAVAIRLANT for fleet
rationing of aeronautical material. Fleet rationing
control (FLEET CONTROL) is the process established
for materials that have limited availability in the fleet.
The Consolidated Fleet Controlled Material List
(CFCML) is a comprehensive listing of all fleet
controlled material. The AVNMATOLANT and
semiannually. The CFCML shows the respective type
commander or the agents code for items under their
control. The listing is in national item identification
number (NIIN) sequence and distributed to all activities.
The Defense Accounting Office (DAO) was
formerly called the Fleet Accounting and Disbursing
Center (FAADC). The two offices discussed in this
training manual are DAO Norfolk, Virginia, and DAO
North Island, San Diego, California. Their duties
include performing operating budget accounting for
and other type commanders authorize the use of funds
by issuing operating targets (OPTARs) to aircraft
carriers, squadrons, and other activities under their
control. If you work in the accounting section of your
activity, you will be involved in managing these funds.
You may perform some of the accounting functions for
your command. These functions involve maintaining
OPTAR accounting records and submitting required
reports to DAO
The DAO accounts for the money value of material
purchased with CNAL/CNAP funds and placed aboard
ships. The material is placed on ships to support the
aviation units. The transactions involving these items
are recorded and reported. The AK assigned the
accounting responsibility in stock control keeps records
and submits the required reports to DAO
The message address DAO-CL NORFOLK VA
refers to Defense Accounting Office-Cleveland,
Norfolk, Viginia.
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is a supply
support organization. It is responsible for managing and
controlling items commonly used by all military
services. The DLA manages about 60 percent of the line
items in the integrated Navy supply system. These are
items identified by a 9 in the first position of the
cognizances symbol, except 9Q. The DLA headquarters
is located in Cameron Station, Alexandria, Viginia. The
role of the DLA headquarters in the DLA supply system
is in comparison with the role of NAVSUPSYSCOM in
the Navy supply system.
There are six DLA defense supply centers (DSCs).
Each DSC is responsible for certain types of material.