2-9.What canopy contactor supplies powerto the close windings of the canopyactuator motor?1. Up2. Down3. Open4. Close2-10.In what canopy latch retainer is thecanopy position switch mounted?1. Number 12.Number 23.Number 34.Number 42-11.What switch(es) must be depressed toextinguish the master caution light?1. Canopy position switch2.Canopy locked switch3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Canopy caution switch2-12.How much power does the F/A-18aircraft electrical system supply forcanopy operation?1.24 volts ac2.24 volts dc3.28 volts dc4.28 volts ac2-13.The air-cycle air-conditioning systemsupplies cold air for the inflationof the canopy pressure seal.1. True2. False2-14.Both canopy switch plungers must bedepressed within what maximum numberof seconds?2-15.If you use the internal manualcanopy handle, what maximum numberof turns may be required to closethe canopy?1.70±12.75±13.80±14.85±12-16.What component transfers themechanical motion of the manualdrive unit to the canopy actuator?1. Handle assembly2. Actuator arm3. Shaft assembly4. Torque limiter2-17. What maximum number of turns may berequired to externally operate thecanopy actuator manual drive unit?1.5±12.l5±13.25±14.35±12-18.What component prevents damage tothe actuator if excessive force isapplied in the manual back-upcontrol mode?1. Handle assembly2. Actuator arm3. Shaft assembly4. Torque limiter2-19.Which of the following handles willcause the canopy to be jettisoned?1. Internal jettison2. External jettison3. Ejection control4. Each of the above1. 52. 103. 154. 2010
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