Low Limit Temperature Control
Refer to figure 1-1 for component location.
The supply air temperature is controlled to
a lower limit of 290°F by the warm air
temperature control valve and the warm air
temperature sensor. If air temperature supplied
by the air cycle ACS exceeds 290°F, the
warm air temperature control valve will close
and stop airflow from the bleed-air system.
The 290°F supply temperature is cooled as
it passes through the ducting to approximately
250°F at the nozzle. The 250°F temperature
provides enough heat for windshield deicing,
yet is low enough to prevent damage to the
High Limit Temperature Control
The warm air overtemperature sensor actuates
when supply air temperature reaches 375°±25°F
and signals the flow/temperature limiting anti-ice
modulating valve. This valve regulates airflow
supply, which reduces bleed airflow through the
primary heat exchanger and reduces airflow
Figure 1-1.Windshield Anti-ice and rain removal system
supply temperature to below 375°±25°F. The
combined action of the warm air overtemperature
sensor and flow/temperature limiting anti-ice
modulating valve also provides the required
protection against a defective warm air
temperature control valve.
Anti-Ice/Rain Removal
Air Control Regulating -Valve
The anti-ice/rain removal air control
regulating valve completes the final pressure
regulation and flow control before airflow reaches
the anti-ice/rain removal nozzle. The valve
regulates pressure and flow rate depending on the
position of the windshield anti-ice/rain removal
s w i t c h .
Windshield Overheat
Temperature Sensor
The windshield overheat temperature sensor,
located downstream of the anti-ice/rain removal
air control regulating valve, is a temperature-
activated switch, which opens if airflow
temperature reaches 290°± 5°F. It closes when
airflow temperature drops to 280°±5°F. When
the switch is open, a ground is lost to the
signal data converter and the signal data
computer, which causes the digital display
indicator to display a (WDSHLD HOT) caution
The anti-g system supplies and controls
the flow of air pressure to the pilots anti-g
suit to compensate for forces exerted upon
the human body during flight conditions.
This system is designed to accomplish the
1. Provide protection against grayout,
blackout, and unconsciousness
2. Alleviate fatigue and decreased mental
alertness, which may result from repeated
accelerations below the blackout level
3. Provide a method by which the pilot may
relieve leg stiffness and physical tension during
component locator.