The external initiators have no safety pins as
such, but rely upon the 10-foot lanyard to
protect them against inadvertent initiation.
Operation of either external handle will cause all
four hatches, fillets, and supports to be blown
away from the aircraft. Partial withdrawal of any
handle is cause for rejection and replacement.
The internal initiator is used to actuate the
canopy and hatch system without activating the
ejection seat system. Three internal initiators are
located in the S-3A aircraft crew compartment.
One initiator is located in the overhead between
the pilot and copilot. The other two are located
at the TACCO and SENSO positions on the out-
board side of each instrument panel (fig. 2-15).
The initiator is a mechanically actuated sealed-
in device containing a squeeze-to-pull type of han-
dle (fig. 2-1 5), a mechanical firing mechanism,
and a transfer booster assembly. The mechanical
firing mechanism and transfer booster assembly
are identical to those used in the external system.
Figure 2-15.Internal canopy and hatch jettison initiator.