Figure 4-5.Aircraft washing applicator.
trails). Pretreat with P-D-680, followed by cleaning
with the proper mixture of MIL-C-85570 and fresh
water or MIL-C-43616.
Soiled surfaces on the tactical paint scheme (low
visibility flat paint scheme). Use MIL-C-85570, types
I, II, or IV for cleaning tactical paint systems according
to mixture directions.
The first step in cleaning an aircraft is to select the
proper cleaning agent for the method of cleaning you
will use. Next, the aircraft must be prepared for
Ground the aircraft to the deck. Static electricity
generated by the cleaning operation will be dissipated
through the ground wire.
If the aircraft surface is hot, cool it with fresh water
before starting any cleaning operation. Many cleaning
materials will clean faster at elevated temperatures.
However, the risk of damage to paint, rubber, and
plastic surfaces is increased. This damage is caused by
the cleaners, which are concentrated by the solvent
evaporating quicker at high temperatures.
Secure openings, such as canopies, doors, and
access panels. Some equipment and components, such
as air-sensing probes (pitot tubes), can be damaged
by moisture and cleaning agents. To prevent the
entrance of moisture, cover these and similar
openings with either the proper aircraft cover or with
masking tape, as specified in NAVAIR 01-1A-509,
Appendix A.
There are several different methods for cleaning
naval aircraft. These methods vary, depending upon
the availability of fresh water.
Water-Detergent Cleaning
The water-detergent cleaning method is the
preferred method for cleaning naval aircraft. Use this
method when enough fresh water is available for
After preparation, wet down the aircraft surface to
be cleaned with fresh water. Then, apply a
concentrated solution of cleaning compound and water
to heavily soiled areas. Scrub these areas and allow the
concentrated solution to remain on the surface. Limit
the size of the area you are cleaning to an area that can
be cleaned while it is still wet.
Next, apply a diluted solution of cleaning
compound and water. The solution should be in a
ratio suitable for the type of soil present in
accordance with NAVAIR 01-1A-509. Apply this
solution to the entire surface to be cleaned (upward
and outward), including those areas previously
covered with concentrated solution. The proper
washing procedure is shown and described in figure
Scrub the surfaces thoroughly, and allow the
solution to remain on the surface for 5 to 10 minutes
before rinsing.
Rinse the lower surfaces and work upward.
Then rinse from the top down, starting with the
vertical stabilizer, upper fuselage, upper wing
surfaces, and horizontal stabilizers. Rinse lower
areas in the same order and manner as the upper
surfaces. If a high-pressure stream of water is used
for rinsing, hold the nozzle at an angle and at a
reasonable distance from the surface being
sprayed. If any areas are still not clean, repeat the
operation in those areas only. Thorough rinsing
minimizes streaking.