Figure 11-5.Typical missile ready-service magazine.
at outboard locations on aircraft carriers for short-term
stowage of aircraft parachute flares. These flares have
either been removed from the primary pyrotechnics
magazines and prepared for launching or they have
been returned intact after a mission. If necessary, these
lockers are manually jettisoned. A label is installed on
the locker identifying the type of explosives that are
stowed within each locker. Where stowage for
ammunition is provided by lockers, chests, or racks that
are permanently secured to the ships structure, dont
change their location without prior approval of
Chemical Magazines
Chemical ammunition classified as lethal or
incapacitating isnt carried aboard ships unless
specifically authorized by NAVSEASYSCOM or
higher authority. If authorized, specific stowage
instructions are issued by NAVSEASYSCOM, and
personnel involved in handling procedures must
receive appropriate training. Specific spaces aboard
ship may be designated as chemical magazines by
NAVSEASYSCOM. The decks and bulkheads of a
chemical magazine are coated with an impermeable
material, and the magazine contains a provision for
sampling its internal atmosphere from an adjacent
compartment. Facilities for personnel and gross
decontamination are located near the magazine.
Modern naval aircraft carriers incorporate a
magazine stowage concept called modular stowage.
The modular stowage concept gives greater versatility
in magazine stowage arrangement and minimizes
ammunition handling. It makes it easier to stow
ammunition, such as bombs and missiles, as fleet issue
loads. Also, it isnt necessary to depalletize or decan
loads before they are stowed. The incorporation of