Priority: Enter the appropriate Priority
Required Delivery Date: Enter the
three-digit Julian date on which the
material is to be delivered or loaded.
Advice Code: The Advice code is an
optional entry Leave columns 65 and
66 blank when an entry is not needed.
Do NOT include paragraph numbers, slants
between date elements, BLNK for blank data elements,
remarks at the end of a line, or remarks at the bottom of
a message.
MILSTRIP documents with different document
identifiers, routing identifiers, or cognizance symbols
may be included in the same message. DAAS will
reroute each line item to the proper addressee.
transmission of erroneous data, DAAS validates the
following data fields in MILSTRIP documents:
Document Identifier code
Routing Identifier code
Supplementary address
Signal code
Omissions or invalid MILSTRIP codes in any of
these fields cause DAAS to reject the document. DAAS
sends a message back to the originator with a statement
outlining the reason for rejection. Rejections are
minimized by careful drafting and proofreading by
personnel at the originating activity.
PROCESSING. Requisitions coded in the above
format and submitted to DAAS are automatically
readdressed to the activity in the routing identifier.
When the requisition cannot be filled by that activity, it
is passed to the inventory manager for action to fill it.
Supply status is provided to the requisitioner, the
supplementary address, and to CINCLANTFLT
according to the M&S code used. All status messages
should come directly from the processing activity or
from DAAS. These status messages should contain a
subject line indicating that it concerns ammunition
requisition status.
Exception Requisitioning by Naval
Requisitions that are excluded from submission
by DAAS (mentioned earlier) are the only ones that
can be submitted by naval message. The requisition
should be submitted by using the Joint Messageform,
DD 173/2(OCR), as shown in figure 17-11. The
message should be sent for action to the supply source
indicated in the routing identifier of the MILSTRIP. The
message must be sent for information to
CINCLANTFLT and the activity where the material is
to be delivered.
A MILSTRIP requisition sent by naval message is
normally unclassified. Since none of the MILSTRIP
data elements contain classified information, the
classifying of ammunition requisitions is unnecessary.
If classified remarks are necessary, they must be
provided by a separate message.
The subject line is shown as SUBJ: AMMO
requisition is submitted in complete MILSTRIP format
with the data elements separated by a slant mark(/), as
shown in figure 17-11.
Essentially, a MILSTRIP
requisition submitted by naval message contains the
same data elements as the DD Form 1348 or the
NAVSUP 1353. The major difference is that no data
elements of a MILSTRIP requisition submitted by
naval message can be left blank. When data elements
are not applicable, they must be identified by BLNK
Multiple requisitions are included in the same
message providing they contain the same routing
identifier. The routing identifier shown in figure 17-11
is N24. The routing identifier N24 identifies
NAVSEASYSCOM, Washington, D.C., as the activity
to receive the requisition. Additional ammunition items
can be included on the same message providing all the
items are to be requisitioned from NAVSEASYSCOM,
Washington, D.C. Each ammunition item must be
listed as a separate line item and sequentially numbered
(1., 2., 3.).
Additionally, for all requisitions having the same
document identifier, routing identifier, Media and Status
code, unit of issue, requisitioners Service code and
UIC, Julian date, Demand code, supplementary address,
Signal code, Fund code, Distribution code (including
the same COG symbol), Project code, priority, and
RDD, the codes maybe shown once in the MILSTRIP
message format, with BLNK in the fields for stock
number, unit of issue, quantity, and serial number, as