jettisoning circuits. To prevent possible explosion, do
NOT expose airborne rockets or loaded launchers to the
exhaust from jet engine starter pods or gas turbine
compressors. A minimum distance, as indicated on the
unit, must be maintained between the gas turbine
exhaust path and rocket assemblies upon which the
exhaust impinges.
In the absence of specific
information on the unit, a minimum distance of 10 feet
must be maintained.
Rockets should NOT be loaded or unloaded from
launchers while on the flight deck. RF barriers should
remain in place on the launcher while on the flight deck.
The detent pin must be in the breaker switch at all
times. The only exceptions are when you are making
certain electrical checks, or when the aircraft is ready
for flight. Do NOT, under any circumstances, perform
an electrical test with rockets in the launcher.
If you are working around rockets or
loaded pods, the preferred position is
Smoking is not permitted within what minimum
range of rocket ammunition?
What is the maximum distance that a rocket
motor can be dropped and still be used as a
serviceable motor?
What minimum distance must be maintained
between gas turbine exhaust paths and rockets?